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Caregiving Phycology


Submitted By jjgarcia11
Words 634
Pages 3
Jefferson Garcia
Child Phycology
Professor Keith A. Carroll

Differences in Father and Mother Caregiving 1. First question was what type of caregiving activities do you engage in with your infant? * Mother’s response was she loves to bath him. * She loves to sing to him. * Feeding him and taking out gasses after. * Kissing him and making weird faces and noises. * Other hand father loves to pick him up and making funny faces. * He actually likes to change diapers. * Also loves to sing to him and rocks him 2. What types of activities do you engage in with your infant? * Mother also likes to read to him and dresses him regularly * She also likes to lay with him while he sleeps. * Dad likes to sit him on his chest and watch t.v. * He also likes to play games like the airplane or uses toys to entertain him. 3. How much time would you estimate you spend with your infant per week in caregiving activities? * Mother spends most of her time with him. She spends the whole day. She is a stay home mom. She stays all the time possible. * Dad on the other hand spends more time with the infant only morning and late afternoon. * Both spend all the time on weekends, Saturdays and Sundays. 4. How much time would you estimate your husband/wife spends with your infant per week in caregiving activities? * Couple different a lot in time, it highly shows that the mother seems to interact with the infant basically the whole time. While the father only has a scheduled time with him Monday thru Friday, while weekends all the time as well. 5. Do you see your role as a caregiver to your infants as different from your own mother and fathers caregiving? If there are differences what do you think might account for these? * Dad thinks that his mother and fathers caregiving is the same as her. * Mother

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