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Case Study a Letter to the Manager


Submitted By zilamalik
Words 501
Pages 3
Case Study (Chapter 1, page 17)
Question 1
What are the real problems that the customer is highlighting?
Firstly, the problem that customer highlighting is automatic debiting the customer account by way of penalty. This action cause the customer has to rethink his errant financial way. The bank should having a notice or inform to their customers before debiting any penalty. This may cause many of customers that face the financial problem to fall into difficulty.
Besides, the customer notices he cannot contact to employee over the time. The customers are confronted by the impersonal ever-changing, pre-recorded, faceless entity which the bank has become. The customers want to deal with a flesh and blood person but not the automated voice phone system. This impersonal conversation will make customer loss of confident about what the customer inquire.
Moreover, customer will get charge for the advertising material sent by bank. It charges for $2.00 per page customer read. For the bank nominated contact, that will be billed at $5 per minute. Bank should be let the customer know early for the reading fees or ask for customer permission whether having interest about the advertising material. If not, bank should not send to them. This may causes the customer read on it unconsciously. To helping the customer, customer service should not be charge.
Lastly, the problem is the automated voice phone system of the bank. The customer contact to the bank need to go through very long time system and it need to charges. They need pressing buttons on the phone, customer will be guided through an extensive set of menus. There are many options to choose by customer before customers can meet their need....
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Submitted by: vaness
Date shared: 11/07/2014 12:16 AM
Words: 1523

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