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Case Study Of Oxylane

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EXECUTIVE REPORT CEO World and Board of Directors Oxylane

Expanding into the Southern America region of the world such as Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and the rest of Latin America I will use the Regiocentric approach because this gives me the advantage of concentrating on the region exclusively south America as it is my target market in which I am trying to gain entry and as such it is easier for me to formulate my marketing and operational strategies based on this particular region rather than individual countries so that I can achieve coherence between the HR policies that will be implemented and the organisation objectives throughout this region, this approach will also enhance interaction between managers transferred to regional headquarters …show more content…
Some changes will need to be made as I will be undergoing some recruitment and selection exercise in other to find the new marketing manager, operations manager, finance manager, human resources manager, real estate manager and the country manager for this International assignment; in doing this, key questions has to be asked like how to choose the right person for the job and where we can get the right person to fill in these positions, the profile of these people will be defined as well as the tools in which they will be selected. Oxylane seeks people with diverse skills, therefore our target market and redefinition of choice in recruiting will be from the external market through the direct channel by using the tools of advertisement and media, internet, executive search, and schools and universities (career day) because this gives us a wider pool to select from applicants and we have access to diverse skills, talents and new ideas that we require although this process can be quiet complex and expensive, …show more content…
Meeting the company’s cooperate culture, I suggest that there should be a recruitment hire for expatriate assignment although the roles are complex, they will act as an agent for control and socialization as well as a network builder, they will face the problem of cultural competence as the French and south Americans have differences in culture, he/she will have to go through a training which may vary depending on the time frame of the expatriate assignment, although this is expensive, as the organization would have to take care of the travelling and other expenses for the period but to reduce cost we could make use of the virtual assignee which would enable the managers to rely on technological communication such as email, video conferences and phone calls although there would sstill be a cultural difference, the virtual assignee would need to be highly skillful in using these media. Virtual assignment will be the most suitable for this regional positions e.g South America operational marketer, specific intercultural training will still be needed to avoid intercultural conflicts and the virtual

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