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Case the Customer Service Agent


Submitted By sarahashim88
Words 2117
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Compensation Management
Assignment one
Case 1: The customer service agent

Case 1: The Customer Service Agent Case
Question one: Does the Day Diary include sufficient information?
The day diary conducted includes sufficient information. The day diary includes a full day for one employee working as a customer service agent. Through the information provided it reveals the different activities conducted throughout the day. These data can help to identify the different tasks, responsibilities and the work environment inside the organization. The data can support to have a whole picture on the organization main objectives, duties and some policies included in the organization. The given information in the case will support collecting information related to both the job as well as to the employee. These two types of information are considered to be the core data needed to conduct a job analysis. Through the day diary the job can be identified, the job content can be clearly available in the text through the tasks conducted through the day. Concerning the employee some characteristics can be revealed from the day diary as well as the internal relationships. Overall the day diary considered to include sufficient information that will allow the formulation of the job analysis and based on the job analysis the job description can be created.
Question two: Identify the specific information that you find useful?
In the case the information provided is considered to very useful . the most useful information are the information related to conducting a job analysis which is the job related information as well as the employee related information. Through the text we can find the following:
The job related information 1. job identification * Job Title : customer service agent * Department name: Customer service * Number of positions: 30 customer service agent

2. Job Content * Tasks conducted in the job : * Handling buckets of email. * Answer phone call. * Search the database. * Reply to customer complains. * Handling customers. * Answer both the buyer and the seller. * Inform the customer and the seller with action performed if any. * Trust and safety work (Investigating fraud). * Answer the customer questions. * Pass information between buyers and seller. * Resolve the occasional dispute. * Personalize each message. * Giving attention to the customer. * Take more time to answer the customer specific questions. * Activities conducted in the job : * Giving the customer correct information such as the example that the customer service agent can request from the seller a date for the shipment and tracking number then send this information to the buyer in case of shipment delayed. Another example getting from the database an answer about the direct deposit linking the customers of transaction with their checking accounts. * Solve customer issues: through solving the customers problems, act as a mediator between buyer and seller. Calming the customer if needed. Resolve the dispute. Act as a crucial link between the customer and the website.

* Performance Criteria: * In the day diary there was no clear explanation of the performance criteria. Based on the text we can interpret that performance conducted by an employee as Mr.rayan fields from 60-100 mails daily. * Concerning phone calls the performance based on the diary is six phone calls daily. * Most messages are answered within 24 hours. * Employees receive quarter bonus beside the wages.

* Critical Incident: * Insure excellence in customer service. try to favor the customer and maximize the customer service to have a competitive advantage over its competitors’. * Fraud investigation. Contact both parties make sure no fraud occur between the buyer and seller. * Refund customers in specific cases either through seller or the company itself in case if the seller conducted a dispute * Conflicting demands: * The customer service agent deals with different parties both are considered customers but totally different parties: the buyer and the seller. For example try to handle the buyer and send to the seller to take an action. After getting respond from the seller forward this respond to the buyer. This is considered to be conflicting demands. * Working conditions: * The physical work conditions can be considered to be very good based on the day diary. The employees have kitchen, cafeteria with lounge. The physical work condition also contains satellite television playing espn, bing bong table and foosball table. This indicates that the work environment is considered to be interested and include different activities to the employees allowing them to have pleasurable time in the organization. * Roles: * The customer agent: should be good negotiator. * Calm provide explanation to customers. * Digging to find solution. * Resolving problems * Dealing with customers
The Employee related information:
Concerning the employee related information there are main three types of the employee related information. The first type is the employee characteristics. The second type is the internal relationship and the external relations. In the day diary the employee related information was not clearly mentioned as well as some the types were not mentioned at all such as the employee characteristics. * Professional/technical knowledge: the professional technical knowledge appear through the answering of the phone calls, through responding to the emails, digging and searching the database to reach an answer. The technical skills can appear in the diary as the computer skills. * Verbal skills: the verbal skills appear in the diary clearly. The customer service agent the way to approach words and sentences. This appeared in the part of paraphrase what the customer saying to make sure understand the customer requirement. Speak clearly. To have sense of empathy to the customers if needed. * Communication skills: The communication skill in the customer service agent job is considered to be very important it appear as the way to give the information to the people clearly and simply. This was clear in the diary by the simple way of answering the customer emails and handling the phone calls. In this job it was clear from the information that it is about transmitting and receiving messages clearly, and being able to read the customer. The text clearly says communication with customer should have a consistent and pleasant tone. * Interpersonal skills this skill is also included in this job. It shows how the employee interacts and works throughout the day by communicating effectively with the customer and colleagues. This appeared in the text mr rayan could communicate effectively with customers as well as with the colleagues. In this job the interpersonal skills included are such as the communication skills, listening skills, verbal communication, negotiation with customers such as the example of Mr.rayan will come back to the supervisor and call the unhappy customer the next day. The other interpersonal skill is the problem solving. * Conceptual skills: this skill included mainly in the employee characteristics to solve the different problems from the customer and act as problem solver for both the buyer and the seller. The second type of the employee related information the internal relationships: * The internal relation appears only in the relationship between the employees with each other. it is clear through the text that there is relationships that appear in the lunch break. Although another information that shows good internal relation when Mr Rayan and his colleagues pick up sledge hammers and knock through a wall at the end of the office. This indicates the energy and excitement available in the workplace. The third type of employee related information the external relationship: * The external relationship didn’t appear clearly in the text. Through the diary the external relation mainly found between the employees and the customers of the website .the relationship in this part with both parties the customer and the buyer, it is mainly a work relationship showing the employee actions toward responding to email messages and phone calls. Question 3: What additional information do u require? How would that information help you?
In the available day diary not all information are included. .the missing information was not a plenty but it can be also considered as important information.
The qualifications: the qualifications of the customer service agent which is considered to be employee related information were not mentioned. This is considered to be very important to be able to identify the job specification. This will help in hiring a new customer service agent with the needed qualifications. By understanding the qualification needed for the job will support focusing on the skills needed in the customer agent service job. The job specification must contain the qualification of the job. The job specification is one of the main contents that are needed in the job description.
Wages and bonuses: the amount of the wage and bonuses were not mentioned at all. This is considered very important in order to conduct a job structure that matches the organization strategy and objectives. The job analysis require to understand the compensation system in the organization to be able to identify the similarities and differences in the work content of jobs and support to establish an internally fair and aligned job structure. * Employee Internal and external relationships: the day diary didn’t include enough information concerning the customer service agent employee internal relationship with the supervisor and direct line managers. The diary only mentioned a hint on the relationship between the team and colleagues with each other. On the other hand the external relationship were not revealed at all only through the action conducted based on the work content we can find that relation mainly with the buyer and seller through phone calls and mail messages based on the work needed. The internal and external relationship is considered to be a type of information needed to have an overall picture on the different relation that the employee can have. This can help in the job analysis to have an overview on different aspect related to the job for example the direct manager the relation-ship with different supervisors and direct manager. The external relationship concerning the community, professional industry and union employee groups were not mentioned at all.
Question 4: What are some of the relational returns of the job?: The customer service agent job includes relational return. In this part will focus on the different relational returns included in the job. * Recognition and status: the recognition and status in this job is found as employees are working in a big organization. That is owned by e-bay which is considered to be the number one auction website. The employer branding is considered to be one factor that support the relational return that the employee receive. * Working condition: the work condition in the organization seem to be convenient to the employees. Apart from the working conditions specific to the job but the organization provide to the employees a cafeteria with lounge,Television, bing bong table and foosball table which reveal that the workplace is considered to be interesting and enjoyable. Although employees in the cafeteria are offered different goods for free. * Challenging work: the job is considered to be challenging as stated in the diaries the questions the customers ask are different. the question sometimes need deep search from the database. The phone calls can be considered as stressful because usually customers who call are unhappy customers. The job has conflict demand that dealing with both buyer and the seller acting as mediator and responding to both parties. Giving the right information and communicating with customers. Investigating a fraud can be very challenging task conducted by the employee. Overall the work is considered to be challenging which is another factor in the relational returns.

Customer service agent Job description
Job title: Customer service agent Job identification: * Job Title: customer service agent * Department name: Customer service * Number of positions: 30 customer service agent
Essential Functions:
Handling the customer and acting as mediator between seller and buyer. Professionally solve customers’ problems, issues and complains. Professionally investigate if any fraud exist and act accordingly based on policies and procedures of the organization.
Job specification: 1. Roles and responsibilities * Handle customer phone calls and messages. * Solve customer problems. * Act as mediator between buyer and seller. * Investigate fraud. * Respond to customer issues. * Maintain consistent. * Positively and effectively communicate with customers. * Pass information between buyers and seller. * Resolve the occasional dispute. * Personalize each message. * Inform buyer and seller with action conducted. * Multi- task by adjusting from one message to another without loss of efficiency as well as from one call to another. * Provide accurate information to the right person at the right time. * Search the database to retrieve information. 2. Qualifications: * Flexible work schedule. * Clear, Professional and positive verbal communication. * Computer skills. * Ability to learn and enhance in needed skills. * Listening skills. * Strong interpersonal skills. * Problem solving. * Time management skill * Excellent written communication skills. * Conceptual and analytical skills. * Independent work independently. * Conduct work fast. * Ability to work under pressure. * Ability to respond to different issues and remain efficient.

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