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Censorship In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

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Books can be burned, ripped, destroyed, they can even go extinct, but knowledge cannot. One can censor books, sites, any type of media, but what one can never censor is knowledge. One of the most important themes of Fahrenheit 451 consists of censorship.

Although, Fahrenheit 451 consists of multiple themes, censorship plays an enormous role and is noted to be the most important theme. Censorship is to perfectly describe the book of Fahrenheit 451 because of all the things that are restricted in it. Much is censored/restricted in this book, including thoughts, freedom, knowledge and even rights. The society of Fahrenheit 451 is a society filled with arrogance, temerity and laziness. All these negatives are caused by the lack of freedom and the entirety of censorship mentioned throughout the book. In the world of Fahrenheit 451, firemen start fires rather than extinguishing them. People of this society do not think independently nor do they have meaningful conversations. They don’t even have an interest in reading books. In the beginning of the book …show more content…
Out of all the things censored in the society of Fahrenheit 451, the most important subject that’s restricted is knowledge. According to the quote said by Beatty, " ‘You know the law,' said Beatty. 'Where's your common sense? None of those books agree with each other... " (35) it’s pretty clear that the character of Beatty is against books. He’s straight forwardly calling out Montag for questioning the importance of books. This quote also states that books/anything providing knowledge is obviously illegal in this certain society. The fact that out of all the things in the world, knowledge is illegal in F451 simply proves how imprudent the members of this society are and how misguided this society truly is. In our society today, knowledge is one of the most vital factors for success and improvement

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