Premium Essay



Submitted By hggdfsg
Words 303
Pages 2
Section 1: 1. C. K and P. Because period is defined as one complete cycle. 2. D. a1 = 0. At equilibrium position the velocity is maximum and the acceleration is zero. 3. A. at both A and D. At A and D the velocity of the child is zero. Hence same as stationary. 4. A. In a region where both destructive and constructive interference occur, energy is not conserved. Because Interference does not reduce the total amount of energy.. 5. D. 5 and 6 6. E. Sphere. Because of higher rotation inertia. 7. A. speed. Because the gravity is constant for both balls where as the mass is different 8. A. impulse. Because it took more time to stop.

Section 3: 1. lightly iced Caramel Macchiato will reached the car first. Because its mainly liquid. So low friction coefficient and high velocity. On the other hand frozen Caramel Frappuccino is solid. So higher friction coefficient. 2. Both will have same change in momentum. The momentum of the system is conserved, both experience same force and same change in time. So same impulse. 3. Crumple zone are designed to absorb kinetic energy of impact by deformation in the accident. If two cars collide and crumple up then the damage to the passengers would be minimized. How ever if they collide and bounce off each other then the impact force will transfer to the passengers and the internal body of the car and do more damage. 4. According to Kepler’s 2nd law the area swept by a planet should be constant. So at closer point the area covered by larger arc would be same as the area covered by small arc when it is at the farther distance. So to cover the larger arc the speed increased at the close point to the

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