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Change Proposal


Submitted By jarroddschwartz
Words 1406
Pages 6

Change Initiative Paper

In today’s business organizations need to be prepared to make changes. Be it planned or unplanned change is one constant in business as we know it. An organizations ability to adapt or handle the change will determine that organizations success. Some changes are very large scale and some are not. This paper will examine a change proposal and action plan to make the change an overall success and smooth transition. Guidelines for change are a necessary part of a successful change process. Planned change is a set of activities in an organization that are intentional and goal-oriented (Nameer, 2008).
Proposed Change Brownstone Square is an owner run Homeowners Association in Phoenix, AZ. The association manages paperwork for sales, the grounds, owner complaints, and accounts receivables and payables. Owners make a monthly payment of $125.00 to the association for the services provided to them as outlined in the associations’ contracts with each of them when they joined the community. Overall the association provides services as promised in a timely manner consistently. The homeowners on the other hand do not always make their monthly payments on time, consistently. The association faces the problem of missed payments and homeowners who are frustrated with the very antiquated system of having to “snail mail” a monthly check to the association. Homeowners have approached the elected board members to make changes to this payment system to assure an easier means of making the payment each month. The homeowners have communicated to the board at the last 3 board meetings and recently an email was received with a suggested payment company that could handle the payments and make the necessary deposits to the associations bank account, there are fees associated with this

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