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Chapter 4 Transmitting Bits


Submitted By muaadh19
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In: Computers and Technology

Chapter 4 Lab Intro to Networking
Lab Chapter 4 4.1.1 Exercise: Standards are important for NIC, Connectors and Media, because of the Stability, Consistency, and Minimization of packet errors. 4.1.2 Exercise: Why is it so low when the capacity for transmission electricity on the copper wire is so high? Because, due to truncation on the transmission of voltage with an electric current. 4,1,3 Exercise: It’s used in the Healthcare facilities, because it’s more fire resistance. 4.1.4 Exercise: Category | Maximum Speed | Application | 1 | 10 Mbps | Telephone Cabling (POTS) | 2 | 4 Mbps | Token Ring | 3 | 10 Mbps | Ethernet | 4 | 20 Mbps | Token Ring | 5 | 100 Mbps | Fast Ethernet | 5e | 1 Gbps | Gigabit Ethernet | 6 | 2500 Mbps | Gigabit Ethernet | 6a | 10,000 Mbps | Gigabit Ethernet |

4.1.5 Exercise:

4.1.6 Exercise: * , The central layer comprises of a conducting material. This layer transmits the baseband video signal. * The dielectric layer surrounds the centre copper core. The function of the dielectric is to separate the inner conductor from the shield and provide physical support. * The next layer is the metallic shield, generally composed of braided copper. It has two main purposes: to protect the conductor from noise or other unwanted signals, referred to as ingress, and to retain the transmitted signal in the conductor. * The last layer is the outside insulation which encloses all the inner layers. This is called a jacket and is usually made from PVC. 4.1.7 Exercise: Cheaper and Easier to install and actually works. 4.1.8 Exercise: Crossover and Straight 4.1.9 Exercise: Yes 4.1.10 Exercise: Multimeter - Wal-Mart- Cost: $36.89 Tone Generator – Lowes – Cost: $39.05 Pair scanner – Ebay – Cost: $149.00 Time domain Reflectormerter (TDR) - Amazon – Cost:$284.40 4.2.1 Exercise: SMF requires one fiber for transmission and one for receiving, because it is used in many applications where data is sent at multi-frequency so only one...

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