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Characterisation of Stephen Bendley


Submitted By Julle
Words 283
Pages 2
Characterisation of Stephen Bendley

The story is old through Stephen.
We see the whole situation through Stephen’s eyes – from his perspective.
Stephen is a social worker. (Professional)
He is very determinate. (He keeps trying getting Sheerin in private school.) He is very polite and tries not to act angry. He is trying to figure out what the problem is. Why they won’t sent their daughter in private school. He develops throughout the story. In the beginning his just Stephen the social worker who’s trying to convince Mrs Khan about to sent her daughter in private school.
He undergoes a change as the story progresses.
He goes from not understanding the mothers’ reason to seeing the situation from a more personal point of view. Admiring the mother.
He can’t win a battle against a mother.

Characterisation of Shireen

She is 10- years old.
She behaves as a smaller child – She has a children book.
P152 l39 smiles at private fancies – She is in her own fantasy world.
P153 l5 Her counting – She is treated as a 3 year old.

Characterisation of Mrs Khan

Has difficulties admitting that her daughter is subnormal.
She is stubborn and sneaky.
She is married and has 4 kids.
Putting on a “show” for Stephen. (the way they dress, the apartment.)
The father She is keeping the father out at the matter or the father doesn’t want to get involved.

Characterisation of Hassan

12 years old
Polite, responsible
He puts on a fake smile for Stephen.
He only shows his real emotions when he looks at Shireen
Wants to protect his sister but does what his mother orders him to do.
He has difficult hiding that he is uncomfortable.

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