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Charlie Doe's Mission Statement Essay

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I chose this company because the mission statement was so short and simple. I think sometimes the misconception is your mission has to be in depth and hit on every single value your company holds. What I love About Ninety Nine Restaurant is that they kept it to the core value that they wanted to define everything about them, to serve. The company’s About page actually does not wait to hit on their mission statement. The mission is mentioned in the first sentence of the explanation of the company. From there is goes to speak on how worthless a mission statement is without action. The company’s history follows and details the starting year and the founder (1952, Charlie Doe), but is followed by why he chose that mission statement. Charlie wanted Ninety Nine to be “..a place where they'd always feel at home. A place where they could get no-nonsense food at down-to-earth prices. A place where they'd be treated right by people who had a passion to serve, and where …show more content…
Along with keeping their guest always at the forefront, Ninety Nine aims to keep its employees happy and involved as well. Their turnover rate is a low 50%, which they claim is amazing compared to the norm in their industry, which is around 150%. However, I did a quick search and found the turnover rate nationally to be around 63% according to the National Restaurant Association. Though their statistics may be off, they do employ over 6,500 people who have been with the company for more than 15 years, which is very impressive! They attribute their employee satisfaction to their desire to implement their mission statement into how they treat and manage the people that work for Ninety Nine. They finish the about section by restating their mission statement and then mentioning how they serve in the community with different

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