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Chinese Student Ps


Submitted By Terryboger
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YONSEI DELEGATE APPLICATION FORM 이름 | 모희 | 영문이름 | Mao Xi | | 전화번호 | 010-9598-1279 | 이메일 | | | 학번 | 2009122063 | 전공 | 경영학과 | |

언어수준 | (학습기간, 구사수준, 공인자격시험성적등을자유롭게기재해주십시오) | 영어 | 중급이라고 생각하며 일반 컴뮤니케이션 구사 수준 | 중국어 | 중국사람이어서원어민수준입니다. | 일본어 | | 기타 | 연세대한국어학당에서1-6급전정규교육과정에졸업. |

Self-Introduction and RemarksPlease write briefly about your personality and your motivation to apply for YKRF 2011 (in English) | I am Mao xi, 22 years old, ethnic Han, Chinese. I was born in Hengyang city, Hunan Province. I visited Shiga county Rittoshi City Osaka City and Kyoto City in Japan at 2002 as one of representative of Hengyang city. That is the first time for me to go outside my home country and have the direct communication with foreign students. The good manner and smartness of Japanese students impressed me very much. At the same time, I also noticed that the distance between China and Japan, and I also felt the huge responsibility on my shoulder. After graduation at 2007 from high school, I came to Korean University and start my Korean language study. After one and a half year study, from totally stranger of this language, till now can communicate fluently, it is an uneasy but interesting and a journey full of memory. From the beginning of “hello” till making “Bebambob”,till climbing the seolak mountain, it is just like exploring a new world. I graduated from 2009, and accepted by Yeonsei University. I met a lot of friends here, start my major study, and on the process step by step to my life goal. I have special interests on economy and politics. I have been selected as team leader for politic course. As a student majored in economic and management, I would like to have a view from Korean to analyze the issues in these fields. I have a firm character and always courage myself by this words: The movement of heaven is full of power. Thus the superior man makes himself strong and untiring. The earth's condition is receptive devotion. Thus the superior man who has breadth of character carries the outer world. That is the statute I want to pursue: Aggressive growth, humble and full of love, having faith, hope, and charity, being temperate in all things.The motivation of participation.Korea became a second home for me. 3 years of study and life in Korea, make me have a comprehensive understanding of this country, and have the opportunity to meet a lot of friends. All of these make me have deep feeling to this country. I believe it is my responsibility to make these two countries to communicate each other. And it is also one of my dreams from long time ago.YKRF can improve the culture communication among 3 countries. Mean while, it is a big opportunity for me to enlarge my own understanding and improve myself. That is why I want to be one member of YKRF. |

미래아시아에대한관점지원자가바라보는미래아시아의모습과그안에서자신이하고싶은일을기술해주십시오. | 제가 바라보는 미래 아시아에 모습은 이렇다: Diversification and Unity; Harmonization and Difference.아시아 각 나라의 문화나 민족의 특징은 경제와 사회 발전에 따라 더 풍부하고 다채로워진 형식으로 보여줄 것입니다.국제협력을 강화되고 문화적 경제적 사회적에 관한 각 나라간의 교류를 더욱 잦아지게 됨에 의해각 나라간의 관계를 더욱 가깝게 할 것입니다. 이에공동이익의 측면에 보면 일체화된 추세가 확연히 드러나게 되고 따라서한국 및 다른 나라들을 존중하고 병존하는 모습을 상상할 수 있으며, 또 안정적인 조화를 이루는 미래를 기대할 수가 있겠습니다. 지역특징(예: 일본의지진대), 인구와 국토면적등에 차이가 있어서 각국의 경제 발전속도와 수준이다르게 될 것이며다양하고조화로운 연합된색다른 아시아의 모습이 제가 바라고 있는 것입니다.저는 한국에서 공부하면서한국과 중국의 사회와 문화등을 많이경험했습니다.다른 아시아나라에 비해 한국과 중국의 미래발전에잠재력이 무궁무진하다는 것을 느꼈습니다.어렸을 때 일본에 방문할때부터 일본의 발전에 많은 관심을 갖고 있었습니다.한중일 삼국은 아시아에서 경제적, 정치적, 문화적 큰 영향이 있을뿐만 아니라 세계의 발전에 높은 기여를 하고 있으며이에 저는 삼국관계를 부단히 발전하기 위해 삼국의 발전이해에 대한 활동을 하고 싶습니다. |

활동계획YKRF 2011 Delegate으로서지원자가앞으로활동할계획에대해상세히기술해주십시오. | 우선 YKRF는 한중일 삼국으로 구성되어 있고 저는 중국인으로 삼국의 발전에 이해를 돕기위해 최선을 다해 한국친구들에게 중국정보수집, 중국어번역등에 대해 도와 주겠고 저의 자그마한 공헌이 한국친구들에게 도움이 되게 최대한 노력을 해보겠습니다.YKRF 역시 한 조직인 만큼 회원들과 친해지고 성실하게 대하는 태도가 중요하다고 생각하고겸손한 마음으로 회원들한테서 배우며 서로 좋은 친구로 지낼 것입니다. 저는 아직은 한국어를 완벽하게 구사하지 못하고 있어서한국친구로부터 배우고 저의 언어실력을 스스로 키우려고 합니다. 남의 견해를 잘 듣고 자기의 생각을 적극적으로발표할 것입니다. “단체의 이익이 가장 중요하다”는원칙을 마음에 아로새기고 조직에서 담당한 업무는 책임지고 해결하겠습니다.모든일에 부지런한 태도로 임하고 “인생은 배움의 연속이다.”라는 것을 항상 명기하고 겸허하게 다른회원들과 함께 뛰어난 성과를 만들고 싶습니다. |

기타사항 (선택)상기한내용외에지원자께서특기할만한사항이라고생각하시는점에대해기술해주십시오. | |

작성한내용을 3월 24일 (목) 18시까지로보내주시기바랍니다.

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International Business - Malaysia

...GLOBAL BUSINESS CULTURAL ANALYSIS: MALAYSIA HSUEN YAN WONG LIBERTY UNIVERSITY Abstract Globalization has simultaneously created global interdependence among nations of the world. Every nation is different from the other. The difference has formed barrier in trade, communication, value and custom. The objective of this paper is to study the factors impacting business in Malaysia and implication of the United States business in Malaysia. Developing countries are typically having more potential for foreign investment because they want to achieve the goal of developed country which is prosperous and fully industrialized. Malaysia is a diversified and humanities rich country from as being offshore destination. Malaysia is classified as upper middle income developing country due to its GNI per capita of $8420 as of 2011 according to World Bank data (2012). Malaysia is determining and rapidly moving to its goal of achieving National Vision 2020 as a fully developed country by year 2020 with its investor friendly business environment. Global Business Cultural Analysis: Malaysia Globalization has simultaneously created global interdependence among nations of the world. Every nation is different from the other. The difference has formed barrier in trade, communication, value and custom. The objective of this paper is to study the factors impacting business in Malaysia and implication of the United States business in Malaysia. Developing countries are typically having more potential...

Words: 4884 - Pages: 20

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Marketing Mix

... Total contribution | 100% | 1. Mid-Term Test: Multiple Choice Questions (25%) A mid-term test will be given during Week 3 tutorial. It consists of 25 multi-choice questions and will cover lecture topics from Weeks 1 to 2. Students are expected to complete all the questions within one hour. 2. Individual Tutorial Presentation (15%) * Each student will be assigned a tutorial question. * Each student will be given 10 minutes to present the tutorial answers. * The tutor will inform the scheduled dates for each group to present. * Students will be assessed individually according to the criteria listed. * Use the cover page provided by the lecturer/tutor. (refer Appendix 3) * Presenters are required to use visual aids for their presentations, PowerPoint slides must be printed and attached with format of 6-slide in a page. The presentation slides should not more than 6 slides. 3. Group Written Assignment (60%) Requirements Select a company in the consumer market for analysis and write a report on the following topics: * Background of the company * Marketing Mix: Product, Place, Price, and Promotion * Recommendations Instructions to students * Form into groups of 4 to 5...

Words: 2296 - Pages: 10

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International and Global Marketing

...jewellery from the French brand Cartier. These products will be launched within the Chinese market, as it is close to become the largest luxury market in the world. In order to make this project as successful as possible, this essay will be divided into two parts. On the one hand, we will be analysing the marketing environment of the Chinese market by identifying major market opportunities. Also, the selection of a suitable target market for Cartier jewellery products will be made, and we will recommend which aspects of the product’s international marketing mix strategy would require adaptation. On the other hand, we will critically examine the notions of standardization and adaptation of the international marketing mix. 1. Market selection & Cultural Research and Impact on International Marketing Mix Strategy a. Market opportunities: In order to justify the choice of the Chinese market for Cartier jewellery products, 4 market opportunities will be identified. The first three ones will be dealing with socio/cultural aspects whereas the last one will be rather based on an economic aspect. With more than 1.3 billion of people, China has about 18 thousand billionaires, 440 thousand multimillionaires, and a fast rising middle class of around 250 millions who have high purchasing power and is also expected to be doubled in the next few years (Degen, 2009). Thus, it comes as no surprise that Chinese consumers are displaying a growing interest in luxury goods, which was already quite...

Words: 2856 - Pages: 12

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Management and Organisation

...[pic] Specialist Diploma in Construction Management CM 107 Management & Organization Group Written Assignment Lecturer Name: Dr. Michael Fong Students Name: Submission Date: 21st October 2008 [pic] Executive Summary [pic] Sustainability as a term or phenomenon has been receiving increased attention all around us. There seem to be a high focus on sustainability, sustainable development and sustainable work systems. Within the context of work organization and organizational behavior, sustainability refers to the continuous development of individuals, teams and organizations. Sustainable work systems relates to the understanding, designing and development of the basic elements that form culture and organization culture, what influences it, and how work systems are influenced by it. Through this assignment, an attempt has been made to study how organization structure, culture and leadership play a critical role when it comes to individual, group and organization’s sustainable effectiveness. The most appropriate structure for an organization depends on its context in terms of goals, environment, technology, size and culture. And the culture of an organization is like air; it is everywhere we look, and it touches everything that goes on in organizations. Organization culture is both the cause and an effect of organization behavior. A strong culture powerfully shape an organization’s long term success. The culture of an organization is...

Words: 4234 - Pages: 17