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Chocolates El Ray


Submitted By andretajah
Words 1748
Pages 7
Is Jorge Redmond's dream of making Venezuelan coca beans and chocolate world famous realistic and achievable? How?
Jorge’s dream can definitely be a reality with the use of the proper tools that will differentiate him from his competitors. Jorge needs to position Chocolates El Rey in the proper market by conducting research and analyzing who his exact target market is. He needs to display the key attributes about his chocolates in order to build brand awareness and gain new customers. The chocolate industry is a huge industry which entails a large market to which Venezuela could penetrate. Venezuela has some of the best cocoa in the world, and this is exactly what consumers’ need think of when they hear the name “Chocolates El Rey”. Ultimately Jorge needs to market not just the chocolate and cocoa, but the origin in which it came from and in this case Venezuela.
When people think of chocolate the first thing that comes to mind is Swiss Chocolate, due to its high quality and global brand awareness. Jorge needs to look at the key steps and utilize the tools necessary for his growth in the international market. In order for Jorge to fulfill his dream he needs to understand the value that not only the Venezuelan cocoa beans have for his chocolate, but the value that the chocolate has to the consumers. By understanding why the consumers buy the chocolates and why they continue to buy will only help further him in the future. Understanding your consumer is key to the success of any business and Jorge can definitely achieve his goal if he keeps this mindset at the forefront of his operations.
What are the pros and cons of using country-of-origin as part of his branding strategy?
Using the country-of-origin as part of Jorge’s branding strategy can has some positive and negative impacts on the organization. As with any changes, Jorge needs to analyze the opportunities

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