Premium Essay

Cigarettes Are Bad


Submitted By zachwalling
Words 2064
Pages 9
Cigarettes Are Bad
In today’s world you see cigarettes almost everywhere. There are cigarette breaks at work, and people saying “Man I really need a cigarette after that.” This is great for the big tobacco companies, but not for the cigarette smokers themselves. More people become smokers every day, which means more and more people die each year from smoking cigarettes. Smoking can cause multiple different cancers. Smoking also increases heart rate and blood pressure, and strains the heart, which can cause a heart attack or stroke. Tar build up can also occur and it rips through your lungs like soot in a chimney, and can cause lung cancer. Smoking can also cause many diseases including emphysema, bronchitis, etc. Some people today are trying to find ways to stop smoking. Some ways include patches, gum, and medicines. Sure, scientists have made an impact on spreading the cons of smoking, but each day someone continues to light up, and each day someone new dies from long term smoking.

Sarah A. Belstock, at Norris Health Center in the Health Promotion Services Department, and other authors, have spoken about advertising that influences health-related behaviors of college-aged individuals. Cigarette industries market to the youngest people that are able to buy cigarettes, college students. Most people are aware of the parties and alcohol consumption in college, so the big tobacco companies have started using alcohol in their advertisements to relate to the college students (Belstock 383). Nathan K. Cobb MD, is a practicing physician and expert in the field of behavioral informatics. He, and other authors, has stated that there is a new way to smoke that is less harmful than normal cigarettes. They are called the electric cigarettes, or e-cigarettes (Cobb 2340). These are considered to be harm-reducing substitutes for tobacco smoking (2340). There is no serious side

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