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Civil Rights Final


Submitted By skylark
Words 1109
Pages 5
It is hard to imagine just how different the world was for women before the 1960’s. Imagine yourself as women in the 1960s. They were denied basic rights, trapped in their own home for life, and discriminated against in the work place. Then the 1960s came along and with it, the thought that women could have a say in their government that they could perhaps leave home without feeling guilty about leaving their children alone and that they could earn wages just like men. Women in the 1960s were stereotyped to only be capable of being a housewife and a child bearer. The women’s liberation movement of the 1960s helped all these changes come about, through its record number of policies and radical ways. Most women feminists were radicals. They formed groups that researched to find the cause of the problem and put an end to the barriers of segregation and discrimination based on sex. Women feminists were committed to the study the situation of women, instead of just taking action. In this movement women had to see the fight for women as their own, not as something to help and they had to see the truth about their own loves before they could fight in a radical way for anyone else. Women were denied basic rights in most aspects of society from political rights to reproductive rights; women in the U.S fought vigorously for equality. “The women’s rights movement began in the nineteenth century with the demand by some women reformers for the right to vote, known as suffrage, and for the same legal rights as men” (Women’s rights, nd). Before the 1960’s in many jobs, including the entire civil service, married women were not employed. It was difficult for women to get a mortgage or even buy

Civil Rights 3 something without a man’s guarantee. During World War II millions of women worked. At the end of the war they were laid off. Women were put back in their homes and

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