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Clara Barton's Role In American History

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Even in the changing times of the twenty first century, America continues to live with an unfortunate underrepresentation of women considering their impact to the country. Monuments such as the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality Monument, group decades of greatness together into one piece, eminent accomplishments of this extent are not worthy of being combined. As individuality is present with existing statues of significant men in history, such distinction and singular representation must be mimicked with the equal female gender. Many renowned women have played roles in shaping America, but none were as impactful as Clara Barton. This pioneering nurse, founder and president of the American Red Cross, teacher, patent clerk officer, philanthropist, and General Correspondent for the Friends of Paroled Prisoners surely has earned the title as one of the founders of this nation. …show more content…
While many are credited with politically acting to bind the nation or create change, Barton, with only a liberal arts degree, was able to comfort the nation during one of the largest periods of distress in history, the Civil War. A plethora of important figures in history are linked with the end or a cause of a war or conflict, but those who aided the country amidst a war are often lost in the echo of gratitude. Although it may seem unimportant, Barton played a highly crucial role in healing soldiers, comforting those on the homefront, and virtually solacing the country. She was not politically involved, as she gave aid to Confederate prisoners as well, emitting a truer level of humanitarianism and philanthropy other recognized leaders do not often

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