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Coffee Machine


Submitted By hafizulhelmi
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A guArAntee of success IT Appia II nasce dal successo di Appia, macchina di alta produttività ed elevate prestazioni, di cui riconferma tutte le caratteristiche di funzionalità che l’hanno fatta apprezzare ad oltre centomila baristi di tutto il mondo. Il team Nuova Simonelli, applicando i risultati di studi e ricerche condotti con l’apporto di diverse professionalità, è intervenuto per realizzare con Appia II una macchina ancora più ricca, con maggiori confort per il barista, ancora più essenziale e semplice nella manutenzione. Sobria ed innovativa, Appia II si distingue, oltre che per la proverbiale affidabilità, anche per lo stile moderno che la rende una macchina adatta ad ogni ambiente. EN Appia II builds on the success of the Appia. It is a machine with high productivity and high performance which confirms all the features appreciated by over a hundred thousand baristas around the world. The Nuova Simonelli team, applying the results of studies and research conducted with the support of various professionals, have created in Appia II an even richer machine, more comfortable for the barista, with even simpler maintenance. Simple and innovative, Appia II stands out, for proven reliability and even for the modern style that makes it the ideal machine for any room.

AppIA II, eIne erfolgsgArAntIe DE Appia II entstand nach dem Erfolg von Appia, einer Maschine mit hoher Produktion und besten Leistungen. Sie bietet die gleichen Merkmale und Funktionen, die von über hunderttausend Baristas in aller Welt geschätzt wurden. Auf der Grundlage von Studien und Forschungen und mit dem Beitrag von unterschiedlichen Berufsprofilen hat das Team Nuova Simonelli mit Appia II eine Maschine geschaffen, die noch reicher ist, dem Barista noch mehr Komfort schenkt und in der Wartung noch essentieller und einfacher ist. Appia II ist schlicht und innovativ. Sie zeichnet sich neben der sprichwörtlichen Zuverlässigkeit auch durch ihren modernen Stil aus, dank dem sie für jede Umgebung geeignet ist.

AppIA II, succès gArAntI FR Appia II naît du succès de Appia, une machine à grand rendement et aux performances élevées, dont elle reconfirme toutes les caractéristiques de fonctionnalité qui l’ont faite apprécier par plus de cent mille barmans du monde entier. L’équipe Nuova Simonelli, à travers l’application des résultats d’études et de recherches conduites avec le support de plusieurs professionnels, est intervenue pour réaliser avec Appia II une machine encore plus riche, avec davantage de confort pour le barman, et encore plus essentielle et simple dans son entretien. Sobre et novatrice, Appia II se distingue, outre que pour sa fiabilité proverbiale, pour son style moderne qui la rend appropriée à toutes les ambiances.

AppIA II, lA gArAntíA del éxIto ES Appia II nace gracias al éxito de Appia, una máquina de alta productividad y elevado rendimiento, de la que reafirma todas las características de funcionalidad que han hecho que sea apreciada por más de cien mil baristas de todo el mundo. El equipo de Nuova Simonelli, aplicando los resultados de estudios e investigaciones conducidas con el aporte de diferentes profesionales ha intervenido para realizar con Appia II una máquina todavía más rica, con más confort para el barista todavía más esencial y sencilla en el mantenimiento. Sobria e innovadora, Appia II destaca, no solo por su proverbial fiabilidad, sino también por su estilo moderno que la convierte en una máquina adecuada para cualquier entorno.


neW desIgn IT Già prima di poterla apprezzare per i suoi aspetti tecnici e funzionali, Appia II colpisce per la purezza del nuovo design, esaltato dalla lucentezza delle maggiori parti in acciaio che, oltre ad arricchirla, la rendono particolarmente luminosa. Il pannello posteriore, è stato completamente rivisitato, riprendendo la scanalatura delle fiancate. Anche queste sono state ridisegnate e impreziosite dalla presenza di due fasce cromate che le avvolgono. Un design, quindi, non solo moderno per sedurre chi utilizza e chi guarda la macchina, ma anche funzionale a rendere nel tempo l’Appia II resistente all’usura. EN Even before appreciating its technical and functional aspects, Appia II is striking with the purity of its new design, enhanced by the luster of large areas of stainless steel that, in addition to enriching it, make it bright. The rear panel has been completely redesigned, taking up the sides of the grooves. These were also redesigned and enhanced by two wrap around chrome bands. So a design that is not only modern, to seduce those who use and those who look at the machine, but also functional to make the Appia II resistant to wear.

neues desIgn DE Noch bevor ihre technischen und funktionellen Aspekte zu Tragen kommen besticht die Appia II durch die reinheit des neuen designs, das noch durch den Glanz der Stahlteile unterstrichen wird, die sie nicht nur bereichern, sondern sie auch besonders hell machen. die rückseitige Tafel wurde vollständig umgewandelt und übernimmt die rille der Seitenteile. Auch diese erhielten ein neues design und wurden durch zwei verchromte Bänder verschönert, die sie einhüllen. das design ist also nicht nur modern, um diejenigen zu bezaubern, die die Maschine bedienen und betrachten, sondern auch zweckmäßig, da die Appia II dadurch noch verschleißfester wird.

nouVeAu desIgn FR déjà bien avant de pouvoir être appréciée pour ses caractéristiques techniques et fonctionnelles, Appia II surprend pour la pureté de ses nouvelles formes, exaltées par l’éclat de ses nombreux composants en acier qui, outre l’enrichir, la rendent particulièrement lumineuse. Le panneau arrière a été entièrement rénové, en reprenant le rainurage des joues latérales. ces dernières ont été, elles aussi, redessinées et enrichies de deux bandeaux chromés qui les encerclent. Un design, donc, non seulement moderne pour séduire l’opérateur qui utilise la machine et le client qui l’admire, mais aussi fonctionnel pour rendre Appia II résiste dans le temps à l’usure.

nueVo dIseÑo ES Incluso antes de poderla apreciar por sus aspectos técnicos y funcionales, Appia II llama la atención por la pureza del nuevo diseño, exaltado por el brillo de las grandes partes en acero que, además de enriquecerla, hacen que sea especialmente luminosa. El panel trasero, se ha revisado completamente, volviendo a proponer el acanalado de los laterales. Éstos también se han vuelto a diseñar y se han valorizado incorporando dos bandas cromadas que las envuelven. Un diseño, por lo tanto, no solamente moderno, para seducir a quien usa y observa la máquina, si no también funcional para hacer que Appia II sea más resistente al uso a lo largo del tiempo.

TANTo coMForT rEVErSE MIrror reVerse mIrror EN After the positive experience of Aurelia II, the official machine of the World championships for baristas, Nuova Simonelli has also introduced a “reverse mirror” into the Appia II. This allows the barista to have full control of the coffee from the filter holder without having to bend down and, simultaneously, to verify the cleanliness of dispensers. reVerse mIrror DE Nach der positiven Erfahrung mit Aurelia II, der offiziellen Kaffeemaschine der World Barista championship, hat Nuova Simonelli auch bei Appia II den „reverse Mirror“ eingeführt, der dem Barista die völlige Kontrolle der Kaffee-Abgabe am Siebträger gestattet, ohne sich bücken zu müssen, gleichzeitig aber auch die laufende Kontrolle der Sauberkeit der duschen. reVerse mIrror FR Après l’expérience positive de Aurelia II, la machine officielle des championnats mondiaux des barmans, Nuova Simonelli a introduit aussi sur Appia II le “reverse mirror” qui permet au barman de surveiller le débit de café depuis le porte-filtre sans devoir se pencher tout en vérifiant, à tout moment, le nettoyage des douchettes. reVerse mIrror (espejo InclInAdo) ES después de la experiencia positiva de Aurelia II, la máquina oficial de los campeonatos mundiales de bármanes, Nuova Simonelli ha introducido también en Appia II el “reverse mirror” que permite al barman tener el control total de la salida del café por el porta-filtro sin tener que agacharse y, al mismo tiempo, comprobar en cada momento la limpieza de las duchitas.

IT dopo la positiva esperienza di Aurelia II, la macchina ufficiale dei campionati mondiali baristi, Nuova Simonelli ha introdotto anche nell’Appia II il “reverse mirror” che consente al barista di avere il pieno controllo dell’uscita del caffè dal portafiltro senza doversi chinare e, contestualmente, verificare in ogni momento la pulizia delle doccette.

IT Poter esprimere il proprio talento e godersi il sorriso di soddisfazione del cliente sono ciò che trasforma il lavoro del barista in un piacere. Appia II offre ancora di più questa possibilità poiché è più ergonomica, tale da rendere semplice ogni operazione che il barista compie quotidianamente. A lot of comfort EN Being able to express their talent and enjoy the smile of customer satisfaction are what turns a barista’s work into a pleasure. Appia II offers even more of this possibility because it is more ergonomic, that makes daily operation easy for a barista. grosser Komfort DE das eigene Talent zum Ausdruck bringen und das zufriedene Lächeln der Kunden genießen zu können ist das, was die Arbeit des Barista zu einer Freude macht. Appia II verstärkt sie noch, denn sie ist ergonomischer geformt und erleichtert jeden Handgriff, den der Barista Tag für Tag ausführt.


cup WArmer AlIgned EN Another element of attention to the barista is that the cup warmer is flush with the level of the cover. In addition to increasing capacity, this helps speed up the work of the operator.

chAuffe-tAsses à fIl FR Un autre élément étudié pour le confort du barman est le chauffe-tasses à fil du plan supérieur qui, outre augmenter la capacité, permet d’accélérer le travail de l’opérateur.

IT Altro elemento di attenzione verso il barista è lo scaldatazze a filo del piano di copertura che, oltre ad aumentarne la capacità, permette di velocizzare il lavoro dell’operatore.

BündIger tAssenWärmer DE Eine weitere Aufmerksamkeit gegenüber dem Barista ist der mit der deckfläche bündige Tassenwärmer, der nicht nur ein größeres Fassungsvermögen bietet, sondern auch die Arbeit des Bedieners beschleunigt.

cAlIentA-tAzAs por cABle ES otro elemento de consideración para el barista es el calienta-tazas por cable de la superficie de cobertura que, además de aumentar la capacidad, permite agilizar el trabajo del operador.


un confort etonnAnt FR Pouvoir exprimer son talent et jouir du sourire de satisfaction du client sont les éléments qui transforment le travail du barman en un véritable plaisir. Appia II offre encore davantage cette possibilité car elle est plus ergonomique et simplifie ainsi toutes les opérations que le barman effectue quotidiennement. tAnto confort ES Poder exprimir el propio talento y disfrutar de la sonrisa de satisfacción del cliente es lo que transforma el trabajo del barista en un placer. Appia II ofrece todavía más esta posibilidad ya que es más ergonómica, hasta el punto en el que hace que sea sencilla cada operación que el barista cumple cotidianamente.

push-Button pAnel EN The new push-button panel has been completely revised with more ergonomic keys, but notably it is more responsive and sensitive. other technical enhancements have made the push-button panel on the Appia II even more resistant to wear. tAstenfeld DE Auch das neue Tastenfeld wurde vollständig überarbeitet. Es hat ergonomischere Tasten, die vor allem aber auch empfindlicher sind und leichter reagieren. Weitere technische Maßnahmen haben das Tastenfeld der Appia II noch verschleißfester gemacht.

clAVIer à poussoIrs FR Entièrement rénové, le nouveau clavier à poussoirs présente des touches plus ergonomiques, mais surtout plus réactives et sensibles. d’autres interventions techniques rendent le clavier de Appia II encore plus résistant à l’usure. teclAdo ES completamente renovada, incluso el nuevo teclado que tiene teclas más ergonómicas, pero sobretodo más reactivas y sensibles. otras intervenciones técnicas han contribuido a que el teclado de Appia II sea todavía más resistente al uso.

IT completamente rivisitata anche la nuova pulsantiera che ha tasti più ergonomici, ma soprattutto più reattivi e sensibili. Altri interventi tecnici hanno reso la pulsantiera dell’Appia II ancora più resistente all’usura.


IT Appia II ha confermato tutte le caratteristiche che hanno già reso la precedente versione estremamente ergonomica: le pratiche leve Push & Pull, l’aggancio soft del portafiltro, la vaschetta inox del piano lavoro e le lance inox snodabili, facili da pulire e da muovere anche con bricchi grandi. L’ampio angolo di visuale del piano di lavoro, l’indicatore del livello acqua e il manometro a doppia scala permettono al barista il pieno controllo di ogni azione. Appia II è anche versatile: i gruppi possono avere l’altezza standard o l’altezza maggiorata per consentire di utilizzare bicchieri alti.

functIonAl Aspects EN Appia II has affirmed all the features that have already made the previous version highly ergonomic: the practical Push & Pull levers, the soft touch of the holder, the stainless steel drip tray and the adjustable stainless steel nozzles which are easy to clean and move, even with bigger containers. The wide viewing angle of the work surface, the water level indicator and the dual scale pressure gauge allow the barista full control of every action. Appia II is also versatile: with groups at standard height or raised to simplify working with tall glasses.

Aspects fonctIonnels FR Appia II a cnfirmé toutes les caractéristiques qui ont déjà rendu la version précédente extrêmement ergonomique: les leviers Push & Pull, l’accrochage souple du porte-filtre, la cuve inox du plan de travail et les lances en inox articulées, faciles à nettoyer et à dPlacer, même avec des broces de grandes dimensions. L’ampleur de l’angle visuel du plan de travail, l’indicateur de niveau de l’eau et le manomètre à double échelle permettent au barman de contrôler parfaitement chaque action. Appia II est aussi polyvalente: les groupes peuvent avoir une hauteur standard ou une hauter majeure qui permet d’utiliser des verres plus hauts. Aspectos funcIonAles ES Appia II ha confirmado todas las características que ya habían hecho extremadamente ergonómica la versión anterior: las palancas Push & Pull tan prácticas, el enganchado suave del portafiltro, la cubeta inoxidable de la superficie de trabajo y las lanzas inoxidables y articuladas, fáciles de limpiar y de mover incluso con jarritas grandes. El ángulo visual amplio de la superficie de trabajo, el indicador del nivel de agua y el manómetro con doble escala dan al barman control total en cada acción. Appia II también es versátil: los grupos pueden tener la altura estándar o la altura aumentada para poder usar vasos altos.

funKtIonelle AspeKte DE die Appia II hat alle Merkmale beibehalten, die schon die vorausgegangene Ausführung äußerst ergonomisch gestalteten: die praktischen Hebel Push & Pull, das sanfte Einrasten des Siebträgers, die Edelstahlschale der Arbeitsfläche und die gelenkigen Edelstahlrohre, die leicht zu reinigen und auch mit größeren Kannen leicht zu bewegen sind. der breite Sichtwinkel der Arbeitsfläche, die Füllstandanzeige für das Wasser und das Manometer mit doppelter Skala gestatten dem Barista die völlige Kontrolle aller Vorgänge. Appia II ist auch vielseitig: sie bietet Brühgruppen mit Standardhöhe oder mit vergrößerter Höhe, um die Verwendung hoher Gläser zu ermöglichen.

IT Anche sotto il profilo tecnico Appia II propone nuove soluzioni volte a migliorare il suo impatto ambientale ed agevolare ulteriormente gli interventi di manutenzione. frIendly technology EN Even from a technical aspect Appia II offers new solutions to improve its environmental impact and make maintenance even easier. umWeltfreundlIche technologIe DE Auch unter technischen Gesichtspunkten bietet Appia II neue Lösungen, um Umweltschäden zu mindern und die Wartung noch weiter zu vereinfachen. une technologIe AmIe FR Même sous le profil technique, Appia II propose de nouvelles solutions destinées à améliorer son impact sur l’environnement et faciliter encore davantage les interventions d’entretien. tecnologíA AmIgA ES Bajo el perfil técnico Appia II también propone nuevas soluciones dirigidas a mejorar su impacto en el medio ambiente y facilitar todavía más las intervenciones de mantenimiento.

IT Appia II è una macchina ancora più attenta alla

mAggIore sostenIBIlItà

sostenibilità. Un maggior utilizzo del rame ha consentito di evitare l’uso di altri materiali e in tutte le parti che richiedono elevata rigidità meccanica è stata utilizzata una lega di ottone senza contenuto di piombo (inferiore a 0,2%).

greAter sustAInABIlIty EN Appia II is a machine that is even more attentive to sustainability. A greater use of copper has reduced the use of other materials and all the parts that require high mechanical rigidity have a leadless brass alloy (less than 0.2 %).

mehr nAchhAltIgKeIt DE Appia II ist eine Maschine, die noch mehr rücksicht auf die Nachhaltigkeit nimmt. die verstärkte Verwendung von Kupfer hat es gestattet, den Einsatz anderer Materialien zu vermeiden. Für alle Bauteile, die eine hohe mechanische Steifigkeit erfordern wurde eine bleifreie (Gehalt unter 0,2%) Messinglegierung verwendet.

au développement durable. Une utilisation majeure de cuivre a permis d’éviter l’emploi d’autres matériaux et pour tous les composants qui requièrent une grande rigidité mécanique, on a utilisé un alliage de laiton sans contenu de plomb (inférieur à 0,2%).

FR Appia II est une machine encore plus attentive

un mAjeur déVeloppement durABle

sostenIBIlIdAd mAyor ES Appia II es una máquina que tiene mucho en cuenta la sostenibilidad. Un uso mayor del cobre ha permitido evitar el uso de otros materiales y en todas las partes que requieren una rigidez mecánica elevada se ha utilizado una aleación de latón sin contenido de plomo (inferior a 0,2%).

mAnutenzIone fAcIlItAtA IT Appia II è stata progettata anche facendo attenzione al lavoro del tecnico per rendergli più agevole e veloce ogni operazione di manutenzione della macchina. Novità in questo senso sono: il nuovo sistema di apertura delle fiancate, i nuovi attacchi delle lance snodabili e il gruppo rivisitato.

EN Appia II has also been designed paying

eAsy mAIntenAnce

attention to the work of the technician to make all maintenance operations of the machine easier and faster. New in this sense are the new system to open the sides, the new adjustable nozzle attachments and a redesigned group.

leIchtere WArtung DE Bei der Entwicklung der Appia II wurde auch die Arbeit des Technikers berücksichtigt. daher wurden alle Wartungsmaßnahmen an der Maschine einfacher und schneller gestaltet. Neu sind in diesem Sinne: das System zum Öffnen der Seitenteile, die neuen Anschlüsse der Gelenkrohre und die neu überarbeitete Brühgruppe.

un entretIen fAcIlIté FR Appia II a été conçue aussi en faisant attention au travail du technicien pour faciliter et accélérer toute opération d’entretien. Les nouveautés sont: le nouveau système d’ouverture des joues latérales, les nouvelles prises des lances articulées et le groupe rénové.

mAntenImIento fAcIlItAdo ES Appia II se ha diseñado poniendo atención hacia el trabajo del técnico para hacer que cada operación de mantenimiento de la máquina sea más cómoda y rápida. Una novedad en este sentido son: el nuevo sistema de apertura de los laterales, los nuevos acoplamientos de las lanzas articuladas y el grupo renovado.

IT riuscire a portare in tazza tutta la crema contenuta nel caffè è una sfida vinta da Appia grazie al sistema SIS (Soft infusion System) che garantisce un’infusione morbida tale da realizzare estrazioni sempre perfette e compensare eventuali errori di pressatura del caffè. EN Being able to get all the froth from the coffee into the cup is a challenge Appia has won thanks to SIS (Soft Infusion System), which guarantees a soft infusion allowing the barista perfection always and which compensates for any incorrect coffee pressing. DE den ganzen, vom Espresso gebildeten Schaum in die Tasse zu bringen ist eine Herausforderung, die Appia mit dem System SIS (Soft infusion System) gewonnen hat. Es gewährleistet eine derart sanfte Infusion, dass ein stets perfektes Brühen und das Ausgleichen eventueller Fehler beim Anpressen des Kaffees möglich wird. FR réussir à obtenir dans la tasse toute la crème contenue dans le café représente un défi que Appia a gagné grâce au système SIS (Soft infusion System) qui garantit une infusion moelleuse afin de réaliser des extractions toujours parfaites et de compenser les éventuelles erreurs de pressage du café. ES Llegar a poner en la taza toda la crema contenida en el café es un reto conquistado por Appia gracias al sistema SIS (Soft infusion System) que garantiza una infusión suave hasta el punto de realizar extracciones perfectas en cada ocasión y compensar errores posibles de prensado del café.




IT Trasformare il latte in una crema densa e vellutata risulta facile grazie al Turbocream; un sistema che eroga contemporaneamente aria e vapore secco così da montare il latte mentre lo si riscalda. Il Turbocream è anche affidabile, igienico e sicuro grazie al sistema d’isolamento termico della lancia. EN Turning milk into a thick froth is easy and smooth thanks to TUrBocrEAM, a system that simultaneously delivers dry air and steam to froth the milk while it heats up. TUrBocrEAM is also reliable, hygienic and safe thanks to the nozzle’s thermal insulation. FR Transformer le lait en une crème dense et veloutée devient simple et facile grâce à Turbocream; un système qui distribue simultanément de l’air et de la vapeur sèche afin de faire mousser le lait pendant qu’on le réchauffe. Le Turbocream est aussi fiable, hygiénique et sûr grâce au système d’isolation thermique de la lance. ES Trasformar la leche en una crema densa y aterciopelada resulta fácil gracias al Turbocream; un sistema que dispensa contemporáneamente aire y vapor seco para montar la leche mientras se calienta. El Turbocream también es fiable, higiénico y seguro gracias al sistema de aislamiento térmico de la lanza.



DE Milch in eine dicke, samtige creme verwandeln ist mit Turbocream ein Leichtes. Es handelt sich um ein System, das gleichzeitig Luft und trockenen dampf abgibt, so dass die Milch während des Erhitzens aufgeschäumt wird. Turbocream ist dank der Wärmeisolierung des dampfrohrs zuverlässig, hygienisch und sicher.



tasti programmazione semiautomatica programmable on/off controls semiautomatic
B B h A m

tasti programmazione volumetrica programmable on/off controls volumetric l I




scaldatazze a filo cup warmer aligned d c e f

gruppo alto raised group

lance inox snodabili stainless wands d e f g h

manometro doppia scala stainless wands

reverse mirror stainless steel work tray

piano inox stainless steel work tray

turbocream turbocream

comandi push & pull push & pull levers

gruppo basso low group

VersIonI Appia II è disponibile a 2 e 3 gruppi sia nella versione “Semiautomatica” che “Volumetrica” la quale tra le funzioni utili presenta il pratico sistema di “lavaggio automatico”. VersIons EN Appia II is available with 2 or 3 groups as “Semi-automatic” and “Volumetric”, which has useful functions including the practical “automatic wash”. Ausführungen DE Appia II ist mit 2 und 3 Brühgruppen sowohl in der Ausführung „Halbautomatik“ und „Volumetrisch“ lieferbar. Letztere bietet als sehr nützliche Funktion ein “automatisches Spülsystem”. VersIons FR Appia II est disponible avec 2 ou 3 groupes aussi bien dans la version “Semiautomatique” que “Volumétrique” qui, parmi les fonctions utiles, présente le système de “lavage automatique”. VersIones ES Appia II se encuentra disponible con 2 y 3 grupos ya sea en la versión “Semiautomática” que en la “Volumétrica” la cual entre las funciones útiles presenta el práctico sistema de “lavado automático”. VolumetrIcA / VOLUMETRIC




3 gr

2 gr

3 gr




oltre alla versione “standard” con fiancate e basamento neri, Appia II è disponibile anche nei colori bianco perla e rosso cuore, con profilature cromate. technIcAl specIfIcAtIons, colours And dImensIons EN In addition to the “standard” version with side panels and black base, Appia II is also available in white pearl and heart red, with chrome profiling.

colorI / COLOURS

technIsche dAten, fArBen und ABmessungen DE Außer der “Standardausführung” mit schwarzen Seitenteilen und schwarzem Sockel ist Appia II auch in perlweiß und „herzrot“ mit verchromten Profilen lieferbar.

fIche technIQue, couleurs et dImensIons FR outre la version “standard” avec joues latérales et base nooires, Appia II est disponible aussi dans les couleurs blanc perle et rouge sang, avec les profils chromés.

fIchA técnIcA, colores y dImensIones ES Además de la versión “estándar” con laterales y base negros, Appia II se encuentra a disposición también en los colores blanco perla y rojo corazón, con perfiles cromados.

Il costruttore si riserva il diritto di modificare senza preavviso le caratteristiche delle apparecchiature trattate in questa pubblicazione. The manufacturer reserves the right to modify the appliances presented in this publication without notice. Le fabricant se reserve le droit de modifier sans préavis les caratéristiques des appareils présentés dans cette publication. Der Hersteller behält sich das Recht vor, die in dieser Broschüre vorgelegten Geräte ohne Voranzeige zu ändern. El Costructor se reserve el derecho de modificar sin preaviso las características de las máquinas tratadas en este manual.

www.n u o va si m o n e lli .i t

nuova simonelli s.p.A. Via M. D’Antegiano, 6 62020 Belforte del Chienti Macerata Italy tel. +39.0733.9501 fax +39.0733.950242 videoconf. +39.0733.950201

nuova distribution usA 6940 Salashan PKWY BLDG A Ferndale, WA 98248 tel. +1.360.3662226 fax +1.360.3664015 videoconf. +1.360.3188595

Cod. 29000294

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Post-Conference Plan - Macville Espresso Coffee Machine Launch

...Post-Conference Report MacVille’s Italian Mezzo Range of Espresso Launch Introduction The purpose of the conference held on 31st January 2015 at the Hilton Hotel Brisbane was to promote the Italian Mezzo Range of Espresso. MacVille had secured the rights to distribute in Australia and wanted to primarily secure sales leads of the espresso coffee machines as well as increase awareness of MacVille’s association with the specialist espresso coffee market. The conference was also aimed to build relationships between MacVille and its clients. The target market was owners and managers of retail coffee shops in Brisbane. This report serves to show how the conference was went and what future improvements can be made. What went well? The marketing and promoting of the event itself was very successful, as all 50 slots for attendees filled 4 months before the event was held. Out of the 50 attendees, 30 expressed interest in purchasing the coffee machines and five actually signed and purchased on the day. Attendees said they had thoroughly enjoyed the event and were glad to be introduced to such an exciting product. The budget was set at $25,000 and the aim was to break even on costs and this was also achieved. What didn’t go well? Prior to the conference beginning, there were a couple problems at the venue. The conference was short a table and seven chairs. It was discovered that there was no VGA cable at the lectern. Another issue was that the guest speaker slept in and was...

Words: 1002 - Pages: 5

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...JASMINE HUGHEE ______________________________ 195 Robertsville RD, Garnett, SC 29922 Cell: (803)598-9203 SUMMARY Jasmine Hughee is seeking a work environment that will challenge her while allowing her to contribute to her growth and success. She is an adaptable Warehouse Associate with diverse experience in inventory, shipping, sales, machine operation, stocking, security protection and assembling areas. Quickly learns new tasks and works well in team environment or solo. She is a diligent professional with a solid work ethic and flexible schedule. HIGHLIGHTS *Stocking *Independent *Hard Working *Machine Operator *Sales *Organized *Shipping/Receiving Work Experience DBA Right at Home Rah Staffing - Bluffton, SC June 13 2015 - July 20 2015 Home Care Taker Wash Patients Travel to Patients homes ...

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Repair Process

...damaged, particularly San Miguel Corporation’s refrigerators and appliances, it is our duty and core responsibility to fix and repair their machineries as the main service of our company. It is our goal deliver and repairs the appliances on time with the excellent quality much better than before. We’ve already accomplished repairing appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, coffee makers, brewery machines and the like. We have also clients from different companies but San Miguel Corporation is our main priority. First, the secretary of the company receives a call from the client to have his machine repaired. The client is given a job order when the order is received and is pending to be done. The company receives the machines to be repaired and when the machines get to the company. The staff analyzes what repair should be done. After analyzing the staff figures out the problems and they will repair the machine. After the machine was repaired they will transfer it and recheck the machine if it is properly repaired. The machine is ready for packing and the client can now get the machine. The mechanisms that support the process are the people behind it who make the process on how to achieve the core goal of the company for the repair process. Right now, we are trying to develop more and new much more efficient ways on how to get more clients and achieve more tools and repair process staff to further expand the growth of our...

Words: 262 - Pages: 2

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...rejuvenate the subsidiary’s financial fortunes by developing a new strategy. The Nespresso product was a system, which allowed the consumer to produce a fresh cup of espresso coffee at home. Though simple in appearance and use, it took Nestle more than ten years to develop it. The system consisted of two parts: a coffee capsule and a machine. The coffee capsule was hermetically sealed in aluminum and contained 5g of roast and ground coffee. The machine consisted of four parts-a handle, a water container, a pump and an electrical heating system. These four parts were cast into a body and formed the machine. The use of the Nespresso system was straightforward. The coffee capsule was placed in the handle which was then inserted into the machine. The act of inserting the handle into the machine pierced the coffee capsule at the top. At the press of a button, pressurized, streamed water was passed through the capsule. The result was a creamy, foamy and high-quality cup of espresso coffee, The new product was introduced in 1986. The original strategy adopted by Nestle was to set up a joint venture with a Swiss-based distributor called Sobal to sell the new product. This joint venture (named Sobal-Nespresso) was supposed to purchase the machines from another Swiss Company (called Turmix), the coffee capsules from Nestle and then distribute and sell everything as a system-one product, one price. Offices and restaurants were targeted as the customers and a separate unit...

Words: 595 - Pages: 3

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Nespresso Coffee Shop

...Nespresso coffee shop Salalah Name: __________________________ ID: ______________________________ Table of Contents Executive summary 2 Company Summary 3 Product/ Services Summary 5 Strategies – Marketing & Sales 7 Management Summary 8 Organizational Chart 9 Financial Statements 10 Balance sheet 12 Feasibility Business Idea and its suitability to Oman 12 Conclusion 13 Executive summary Nespresso coffee shop is a coffee shop that is located in Salalah exactly in the Alsaada north . That is a complete list of moderately priced "comfort" food influenced by Arab cooking traditions but on the basis of time-honored recipes from around the world. Section of the cafe and Nespresso coffee shop features a cafe with candy bar, and magazines, and space for live performers. This shop is basically the franchise that was introduced by the Nespresso the international brand of Coffee. This Coffee shop was not till now available in Salalah Oman. So, the opening of Salalah branch will provide a unique taste of coffee of an international brand. This business plan offers financial institutions an opportunity to review our vision and strategic focus. It also provides a step-by-step plan for the business start-up, establishing favorable sales numbers, gross margin, and profitability. This plan includes chapters on the company, products and services, market focus, action plans and forecasts, management team, and financial plan. Company Summary The "Nespresso...

Words: 2190 - Pages: 9

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Nespresso Marketing Management Case

...Introduction : Launched 30 years ago, Nespresso is a subsidiary of Nestlé and one of the world’s leader on the coffee market. The brand became famous through its coffee makers working with pods, it is also Nespresso who opened the coffee pod segment as it was the first company to launch coffee makers working with pods. Nespresso wanted to innovate by creating the “Nespresso experience”. In this case, we will analyze the company and its strategies through the SWOT. SWOT analysis Internal diagnosis STRENGTHS A high visibility internationally: Nespresso, is part of Nestlé, which is one of the worldwide leader concerning consumer goods products: the turnover represents 58 billion euros, the company employs 250 000 people in 85 countries. So, Nespresso takes benefit from the visibility and the financial power of Nestlé. It enables Nespresso to have a better access to R&D and communication skills. Being part of the Nestlé Group helped Nespresso to become the European leader in the production of espresso machines. A high focus on the clients: One of the key factor of the success of Nespresso, it is that their strategy is based on their relationship with their clients. They listen carefully to the consumer needs and demands in order to promote fidelity within their clients. Excellence and high quality products are part of their strategy. Hence, the products have some particularity in order to enhance the unique aspect of Nespresso: - Very high quality products and a large range or...

Words: 3624 - Pages: 15

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Starbucks in Australia

...War II, Australians have developed a taste for coffee that many of the European migrants that moved to Australia brought with them. Starbucks first began in 1971 its main goal was to offer a coffee experience that no other coffee shop has done before. As stated in the case study, Starbucks emphasis on customer service included eye contact and greeting each customer within 5 seconds, cleaning tables promptly and remembering the names of regular customers. Starbucks was to reinvent the sense of romance atmosphere sophistication and sense of community and also create a ‘third place’ in people’s lives. This ‘third place’ would be somewhere between home and work where they could sit and relax and have a coffee. Unlike America, Australia already had a thriving coffee industry when Starbucks entered into Australia in 2000. It is fair to describe Australia’s coffee culture and industry as a mature and sophisticated market, and as stated in the case study, getting a morning cup of coffee from a Café was already a ritual for many a Australian consumers. Australia’s overall market is worth well over $3 billion dollars, $1.8 billion of this relates to the coffee retailing market. In Australia every year over one billion cups of coffee are consumed in cafes, restaurants and other outlets nation wide. Summary There are a number of different coffee brands in Australia and there are over 1400 cafes and restaurants serving a variety coffee types. Australia generated $9.7 billion in income...

Words: 3013 - Pages: 13

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Conference Concept Document

...Purpose The purpose of the conference is to promote the Mezzo range of imported Italian espresso. The target market for the conference is the local owners and managers of retail coffee shops. This conference will primarily secure sales leads of espresso coffee market and build relationships between MacVille and its clients. The conference will be a one day formal event and will culminate with a dinner and it requires registration. It will have a coffee tasting and coffee machine demonstration. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet and mingle with other business owners. Type The conference will be a one day formal event and will culminate with a dinner and it requires registration. It will have a coffee tasting and coffee machine demonstration. It will be in a participated format. Attendees will actually see and learn about the product and give them information to maximise their businesses. Benefits Attendees will gain knowledge and training about Mezzo range of imported Italian espresso machine. It will secure sales leads of Mezzo and increase awareness about MacVille espresso coffee market and builds relationships between MacVille and its clients. When, Where and Who Conference will be held in Toowoomba on February 2016. We will research for a good location as well as a good date so it will not clash with other events locally and school holidays are over by then. We are hoping to attract local business owners, retailers and managers. Resources...

Words: 507 - Pages: 3

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...brightly colored compact coffee and cappuccino machines contain significant ease in use while maintaining credibility and dependability. Our new product will allow our target consumers to have a more enjoyable experience whether they drink coffee in the morning as they get ready for the day or as they relax and decompress in the evening. The subsequent marketing plan for our new product will ensure that Company G will reach full profit potential and create a larger consumer loyalty base. Mission Statement “We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing high-quality, innovative electronic solutions.” Product Description and Classification Our new product line of brightly colored compact coffee and cappuccino machines contain significant ease in use while maintaining credibility and dependability. This coffee and cappuccino machine includes extras, such as convenient digital settings for a nightlight, clock and timer, a refrigerated milk and creamer dispenser that can be set up to four personal tastes, as well as the capability of brewing coffee and cappuccino simultaneously. Our coffee/cappuccino machines come in five colors, brushed bronze, pewter grey, onyx black, retro copper and antique white. Consumer Product Classification Within the three way consumer classification model our company’s new commodity falls in the parameters of the shopping goods category. Our coffee and cappuccino machine will be purchased intermittently...

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Green Mountain Coffee Roasters

...NAME/WEBSITE/INDUSTRY Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Keurig Coffee/, / Specialty Coffee-Coffee Makers BACKGROUND/HISTORY Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. is a leader in specialty coffee and coffee makers, is highly recognized for its award winning coffees, environmentally and socially responsible business practices, and innovative brewing technologies. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters was founded in 1981 by Bob Stiller in Waitsfield, Vermont. In 1993 GMCR goes public and stock opens at $10. In 2006 GMCR acquires Keurig Incorporated, a single cup brewing system for coffees, teas, hot chocolate and apple cider. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters has teamed up with some of the strongest beverage companies and have acquired and merged with several specialty brands such as, Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. They have also have Keurig licensing the patents for creating the single-serving unit called a “K-cup.” In 2007 Larry Blanford took the position of CEO and President of GMCR while Bob Still remains as Chairman of the Board. 2012 Brain Kelley joined GMCR and was named President and CEO and still holds that position today ( Michelle Stacey is currently the president of Keurig Inc. As of December 28, 2013 GMCR net sales were $1,386,670 and their gross profit was $464,047( SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths: * Strong brand name. * Unique and large variety of products in the coffee market. * Environmentally conscience...

Words: 1118 - Pages: 5

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...Case Note – Starbucks: A Story of Growth 1. What was the coffee industry like in the US when Starbucks was first introduced? (Use Porters forces to analyze) • Most American coffee drinkers drank home-brewed coffee, ordered at restaurants, bought from convenience stores or gas stations • In San Francisco and New York, local coffeehouses and coffee rosters had recently been established such as Peet’s • By 1982, Starbucks only sold beans and supplies for brewing coffee at home, but not prepared beverages • America lacked the places that offering high-quality coffee for conversation and socializing • Starbucks was acquired including its retail outlets, coffee roasting facilities, and wholesale operation • Starbucks coffee was different from the coffee most Americans were used to consuming • More expensive, and taste differently from typical American coffee • Wealthy and highly educated professional workers, the new American elite, the “bobos” who used consumption as a way to distinguish themselves from the less enlightened masses 2. During Starbucks period of rapid store expansion, what strategic changes facilitated growth? What was gained—or given up—as a result of each change? Two initiatives • Selling Starbucks products through mass distribution channels o Brought Frappuccino coffee drink to market through a joint venture with Pepsi-Cola North America  Helped by Pepsi’s expertise in managing store supply and demand  Starbucks retained control over the development...

Words: 561 - Pages: 3

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Keruig Company Profile

...constructed on the concept of coffee brewing systems, and their focus was to serve high quality, fresh coffee. Keurig's groundbreaking single cup brewing system, presented in 1998, allows people to brew the perfect cup of gourmet coffee in less than a minute, without having to grind beans, measure coffee, handle filters or clean up (The Keurig Story, 2013). In 2002, Green Mountain Coffee Roaster Inc., a Vermont company, paid $14.4 million for 41 percent of Keurig. Four years later, it purchased the remainder of Keurig, selling the brewers at a sensible price and creating money on the K-Cups, which only worked with Keurig machines (Purpose, Mission & Values, 2013) Green Mountain’s vales, which can be found on their website, are; We Partner for Mutual Success, We Innovate with Passion, We Play to Win and We Brew a Better World. In 2008, Keurig made it to the Forbes ‘200 Best Small Companies’ list, but 2011 was the pioneer year. From January to September, sales rose over three hundred percent. This was due to their K-cup agreements with Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts (Badenhausen & Settimi, 2011). Today, the corporation is a leader in specialty coffee and coffee makers, and is known for its award-winning coffees, innovative Keurig Single Cup brewing technology, and publicly respectable business practices. Green Mountain supports local and global communities by “off-setting one hundred percent of its greenhouse gas emissions, investing in sustainably grown coffee and donation at least five...

Words: 3423 - Pages: 14

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Article Analysis - Coffee Grinds Fuel for the Nation.

...Coffee Blast People across the globe have a taste for the coffee. The trends and consumption of coffee depends on how much and how often the coffee product is needed or chosen by the consumer. The factors that influence the consumer decisions are enjoyment and price. The consumer factors can set precedent for product production. These factors are identified as economic consumption patterns. Economists identify these results and plug them into the supply of products and services, and the demand for those products and services. Recent consumption patterns and lifestyles have given the coffee market a big boost as reviewed in the article written by Karen Fernau. The article was titled “Coffee Grinds Fuel for the Nation –Gourmet brews new gadgets jolt sales for $30billion dollar industry”, which identifies the gourmet specialty coffee vs. standard coffee, Coffee consumer profiles, and new in home coffee machines which all add to the growing coffee consumption. Economic Utility Coffee has a stable and growing economic utility. There is a larger awareness of what types of coffee are out there which increases the drive for an individual to seek out that specific taste. The article identified coffee as a, “foodie fixation, an affordable luxury, a boost of disease-fighting antioxidants, a versatile ingredient, an intoxicating aroma and a beverage that brings people together.” Fernau, K. (2013). All of this has led to the variation in avid coffee seekers looking...

Words: 763 - Pages: 4

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Cafè Xaragua

...your assumptions. See the frame used to analyze the case in Exhibit 1, the forecast in Exhibit 2, a breakdown of costs calculations in Exhibit 3, a breakdown of “Equipment & Fixture” costs and time allocation of all fixed costs in Exhibit 4. ASSUMPTIONS MADE (refer to the framework shown in exhibit 1 to identify each element: Price, Quantity, Fixed costs, Variable costs): General Assumptions: I assumed the cafè to stay opened 50 weeks, 350 days per year. Price: All data available from the case. No assumptions needed. Quantity:     200-300 drinks per day, assumed 250 Assumed 1 drink per customer, so 250 customers per day 50% of customers purchasing a baked good, so 125 baked goods per day 10% of customers purchasing a bag of coffee, so 25 bags of coffee per day Fixed Costs:  Assumptions on useful life of fixed assets and on allocation periods are reported in exhibit 4. The useful life of fixed assets and equipment has been estimated by research and personal experience. I assumed legal fees, permits etc. to be renewed every 10 years, the property to be improved and maintained every 10 years, the roaster installation cost to be allocated over time coherently to its assumed useful life of 5 years. Variable Costs: All data available from the case. No assumption needed. [216 words] 2) Comment on the key assumptions that drive the results of your forecast. Are the assumptions realistic? How sensitive are the results to the key assumptions? How much would the results change...

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