Premium Essay

Cola Cola


Submitted By Biha05
Words 2852
Pages 12





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6.0 REFERENCE……………………………………………………………………………………………6

China is a major and expanding market for Coca-Cola. Surging sales in emerging markets like China and India have been credited for Coke’s best sales growth for almost nine years with sales rising 19% from 2007 (The Times, 2007). According to President of Coca-Cola China, Doug Jackson, the company currently counts China as it’s fourth-largest market in terms of revenue, although it is expected to overtake Brazil to become its third-largest in two years and the second-largest within five years (China Daily, 2007).
In the Hangzhou Coca Cola bottling factory, contract workers usually stay on duty for 12 hours. There were a lot of inappropriate activities on the part of Coca Cola factories concerning violation of labor contract towards its workers. Firstly, almost five bottling factories failed to ensure contract workers are well informed of the contents of contracts before they sign. Secondly, some workers at the Hangzhou bottling factory claimed that their contracts were for a one year term instead of two. Thirdly, some workers had been forced to sign Contract Termination Agreements with the Zhiqiang Management & Services Co., Ltd. of Deqing County, Hangzhou City, before they were

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