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Cold War


Submitted By Deb0123
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Deborah Rodriguez
Unit 2 – Assignment

The Cold War
Deborah Rodriguez

While doing these interviews, I was very amazed at the amount of information I received. I interviewed my friend who was in the marines for about 6 years. He knew many things also, since he just studied about the Cold War in school. It helped him to elaborate more on his answers. I next interviewed my father which was very interesting. My father is very into the military and that is all he watches. The first question I asked him turned into an eleven minute conversation. Lastly, I interviewed my sister who is not fond about that era at all. In fact, she refused to give me the interview, but I made her. Before I get into the interviews, I want to give a brief look at the history of the Cold War. The atomic bombing of Japan by the United States ended World War II, but it marked the beginning of an intense rivalry between the two new superpowers, the U.S. and the Soviet Union. So began the Cold War, an ideological and political conflict lasting nearly 50 years. The competition spawned great developments in among other things, military technology, civil defense, and space exploration. The Apollo II landing marked a major political and scientific victory for the United States in the Cold War. The U.S. and Soviet Union continued having various conflicts until the Soviet Union’s breakup in 1991 ending the Cold War. My friend I interviewed said that the words that came to his mind when he thought of the Cold War was Soviet Union and nuclear bombs. He began to explain to me why they called it the Cold War. Basically, he said it was called “cold” because it was a three decade long proxy-war, with no actual fighting and a continuing rise of tensions between two superpowers. It was a war of tensions and policy, each one affecting the other and each country with their finger

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