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Submitted By Commandant
Words 311
Pages 2
What is the true meaning and logic of justice? Was it created by sentient beings or is it part of the natural spectrum of life? Such a controversial question this can be. On a sense, justice is giving someone that has resisted moral ethics what they deserve. During the renaissance era people saw justice as ending ones life by the worst, unimaginable ways. Not bowing your head in front of the queen in an honorable way would demand justice which was your head. Did someone deserve his being cut off for not bowing? Is that immoral? Now, is full life imprisonment acceptable punishment for a murderer? Or, is that even enough punishment. I’ve thought deeply about these questions many times that I almost lost all sense of right and wrong. Fairness is another sense, so I believe for retributive justice that it is only fair that the murderers get murdered. Present day people demand justice all the time for kidnappings, rape, and murder. It is natural for the human mind to demand for that offender to be punished severely. Most of the time we feel like that person should just be sentenced to death and others wish they did the punishment with their own hands, but morality prevents suck atrocities. War has sprouted from the demand of justice. Pacifists see that there is no need for violence because punishment through more violence is hypocritical. When someone wants justice violence is already foreseen. Sometimes someone must die in order for that justice to be served to prevent further crime. Killing one evil ensures a safe future for countless innocent beings. Some still believe the offender should pay severely with their lives, it’s only fair, but most victims are not powerful enough to make that call, and if the case was pure brutal murder then the death penalty is

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