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Communication Paper


Words 790
Pages 4
Communication Paper
Keilei Adams-Brown
May 20, 2012
Michael Veal

Communication Paper

Communication is one of the most important parts of any organization and with health care there has many new and changing ways to communicate with the patients/consumers. Electronic medical records is fairly new and very beneficial to not only the organization but for the patients as well.
The electronic medical records is much more efficient over having paper charts because they are easier to access as well as share with others that are involved in the patients care. With this being said if a patient has a sudden emergency where they are required to go to the hospital then those records can be sent and shared with that ER staff as well so that it may help with any complications the patient may encounter. With such catastrophic events in our nations past like 9/11, and the tornadoes that have been plaguing our heart lands this comes in handy so that information is easier to share with other medical personnel.
In today’s crazy world we patient’s privacy is very important because there has been such rapid identity theft with the electronic medical records system in place it will help to eliminate that for the most part. There are no perfect systems out there but it does help to cut down on this. There are laws in place to help with stiff laws and penalties for not protecting patients could be very costly to the organization. No practice should give out any patient information without for getting the okay from that very patient. Organization must also make sure that the laws are clearly spelled out and displayed for all to read and understand and if that patient asks for a copy they are to receive it so that they can read at a later time.
Effective means The reason electronic medical records are effective because it is better and safer

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