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Comparing Fahrenheit 451 And Ray Bradbury

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Ella Edwards Ms. McMullin English 10 Honors 29 February 2024 Asleep vs. Awake, Alive, and Living What if someone was to say stop thinking for yourself, stop saying what you want to say, stop looking around and truly live? What would be people's responses? Would they actually stop doing those things, or would they realize that they haven't been living for themselves, thinking for themselves, or using their own voice? These are the questions that no one seems to think of and about. In Fahrenheit 451, no one thinks for themselves, says things they really mean, or truly live. These questions are what people like Francis Bacon, Clint Smith, Michelle Kuo, Karen Swallow Prior, and Ray Bradbury want to help people answer and start doing. To be spiritually and mentally awake and alive we must think and do things ourselves, take time to enjoy the small things, and experience and learn life lessons. …show more content…
The only way to get to that point is by someone else pointing it out or “awakening” us. Clarisse McClellan in the book Fahrenheit 451 is a seventeen year old girl who is suspected by the government and her peers of being crazy. She is a headstrong girl who questions things, thinks for herself, and takes time to enjoy the small things in life. While talking to Montag - a 30-year-old “firefighter” who starts fires and burns books for a living, Clarisse says, “They want to know what I do with all my time. I tell them that sometimes I just sit and think” (Bradbury 21). Clarisse’s need for time and space to just be, is also a need we have in our current time. Everyone needs to see that people nowadays don’t care about sitting down and thinking for themselves. Everyone in Fahrenheit 451 is floating around through life like they are in a

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