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Comparing Relationships In Rose For Emily And Fredrickson's Up

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Love is an attachment that can’t be broken. Relationships are a representation of love and what love embodies. In a “Rose for Emily” By William Faulkner, Emily Grierson deals with the struggles of relationships from family to friends. Emily deals with problems of separation and feeling lied to. Emily’s struggles can compare to that of Charlie Fineman of “Reign Over Me” and Carl Fredrickson of “Up”. Within all these movies we see characters deal with relationships being lost. They all relate to death but the love in each relationship Is never lost. When we see the loss of a relationship it is most often difficult to let go afterwards. Sometimes in relationships we let go and it’s a choice but when death is a factor we see that we have no choice. …show more content…
The biggest tragedy in life is letting go. “If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours,” (Sting). This quote is from a musician, but the essence of what is means is that in life we must let go sometimes, even when we don’t want to. The meaning of this is that if we can let go and that person really does care then they will come back. It doesn’t always work out this way and that is how life is. In the movie “Reign Over Me” Charlie Fineman loses his family in the 9/11 plane crash. He vividly remembers where he was and all the emotions going through his head. He deals with the loss of his wife and his three daughters. Now left alone he still can’t get over the pain that he has felt. “I don't need to talk about her or look at pictures. 'Cause the truth is, a lot of times, I see her, on the street. I walk down the street, I see her in someone else's face. Clearer than any of the pictures you carry with you. I get that you're in pain, but you've got each other. You got each other! And I'm the one who's gotta see her and the girls all the time. Everywhere I go! I even see the dog. That's how fucked up I still am! I look at a German shepherd, I see our goddamn poodle.” (Charlie Fineman). Relationships are not always broken the way that should be and very much like Emily, Charlie must deal with death. The loss of family and the ending of a relationship a bond that had been cemented by love. Love is never lost, and that is shown by how Charlie still sees his wife everywhere and his kids. The hard reality is that he never going to get them back but, yet they are just mere images in his mind. Charlie has been emotionally traumatized for years and you can see that but just like Emily his love never died. Emily deals with death differently then Charlie but they are similar in how they lost someone and for awhile couldn’t move on or seem to

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