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Submitted By jpietrusa
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All Students of first year of IT Management for Business.
In this article I would like to illustrate three books what you may use during studying PHP language at The University. Students of first years usually have a big problem with proper choice of a good book. I will do my best to help you with this problem .
The first book what I have chosen is “PHP The Bible” co-authors Tim Covers and Joyce Park. This fairly developed guide provides analysis of specific problems, also it help you become acquainted with the latest version of the PHP language to create scripts to HTML pages.
This book will learn you how to create websites with tracking session, use PHP for object-oriented programming and how to join the PHP code directly to e-mail programs. You also will learn how to secure website from hackers and how to use practically the mechanisms of cookie and redirect
“PHP4 The Bible” is the book that contains information for beginners and intermediate programmers of script based on PHP technology, which is becoming increasingly popular due to the speed of the running scripts.
Authors of this book Tim Covers and Joyce Park, are great experts. Mr Covers is a programmer with experience in web developer and he is instructor at the University of Chicago. Joyce Park is a writer on open source topics and web developer and she create web sites using PHP technology.
The primary advantage of this book is the style of writing. Clearly explained are considered problems. Language of this book is clear and concise.
Objectively described the basic matters and very well seen warnings for practitioners-not to unnecessarily lost their time on general things .
The book contains basic and strictly specialist information-for advanced programmers.
Another advantage of this book are examples taken from life, i.e. any additives, and advices for the so-called practitioners - people who may already have any programming experience with PHP.
From included in the book tips you not need to start work from the beginning you can use general available scripts, changing them appropriately to your needs. A complete PHP description is extended chapters, which help you to use the speed of databases and connect web pages with databases. The reader who wants to learn about programming in PHP, from chapter to chapter gradually as far as learning subject matter and subsequent issues becomes professional programmer.
The next book what I would like to present to you is “ web application development with php 4.0” author Tobias Ratschiller and Till Gerken.
I believe that this book will be a great step forward in learning PHP, and will be a great addition in discover PHP language.
This book explores advanced aspects of developing for the web sites. It will learn you how to create good applications. This book provides you with explanations of PHP concepts and advanced syntax, information on many standard algorithms and also shows you real-world tips and tricks for using PHP language.
In the book, you will find an overview of most of the extremely important, practical issues of programming, affecting the quality of the code, contrary to popular beliefs, this is not the easy things, but this is one of the most important things! Despite of presenting a lot of extremely valuable information in a condensed format, the authors still write in an easy and friendly manner.
The authors of the book - Tobias Ratschiller and Till Gerken - clearly show how named variables and how to plan applications written in PHP which seems to be very difficult for beginning programmers.
Authors of these books Tobias Ratschiller and Till Gerken they have great experience in the programming, creating new web sites and online services.
An interesting chapter in the book is the example from real-life, in which the authors describe the process of creating an application - in a way not only of the coding but also in a way of choosing the technology to shape the project.
However, you have to take into account that this book is not for beginners, it is not teaching the basics of the PHP language, nor even learning how to write on the screen browser “hello world”.
There are a lot of books with basic theory on the market , and it is very well that this book deals with advanced problems.
The book shows important topics for people who want to create professional Web applications.
Discusses the security problems of these applications, working with databases and ergonomic.
At the end of the book, you have the online reference if you need to quickly check the syntax of a function.
Last book what I would like to illustrate for you is “PHP and MySQL Web Development”.
“PHP and MySQL Web Development” is another book describing all aspects of the web-sites design and web applications with the PHP language.
In this book you can find detailed discussing the possibility of php latest versions, the object programming and also procedures of components. The book contains examples of demonstrating PHP using for the accomplishment various tasks associated with functioning of dynamic web pages. It can be creating a shopping basket, dynamic generating pictures and documents in the PDF format, sending and managing the electronic mail. Majorities of the book which is describing the subject of the PHP programming it is usually descriptions of some experience more or less talented webmasters. But this time the situation is diametrically different. Authors in the book offer you the knowledge at the highest level. The book from the front page, is characterized by a very professional description of the PHP language and intelligible even to persons not being specialists. The book describes a lot of practical applications of the PHP language.
The beginner programmer, who just learnt the HTML and wants to go forward in creating web pages based on dynamic PHP scripts, and a person having a considerable knowledge, will find a lot of interesting things in this book.
In my opinion those three books which I have described are the valuable books to find on the market. Those books contain a lot of tips and are written in clear language, intelligible to everyone who wants to start the adventure with the PHP language.
However when I began learning PHP language I chose "PHP The Bible". In my opinion this is the best book for study PHP. All information for the beginner and intermediate programmer are in this book. It was really easy to find everything what I need to write program. All function was explain in clear and easy language and I not have any problem with understood this book. After the certain time when I gained experience I started searching for other resources.
I hope that it was helpful with a choice of the good book for learning PHP at University. However more than once you will see many books in the shops but then you have to thing - are they good enough for you? Final choice still stays to you. Because only you know what it will be the best for you to study php at The University. I may only help you with this problem, describe few books what you may find in the shops. And give you advise why you may choose this book or another one.
I wish you only a success in studying IT at The University and also you make really good decision to start study IT because computer systems, year ago only assisted the functioning of companies and enterprises but today today are the most important in functioning companies. Possibilities of these systems, mutual integration of IT solutions, guaranteeing the flow of information many times is deciding about power and the competitiveness of the enterprise. Choice of The University educating in IT is certainly a decision giving the best forecasts for the future!

PHP Bible, 2nd Edition publication Date: September 11, 2002 ISBN-10: 0764549553 ISBN-13: 978-0764549557
PHP and MySQL Web Development (4th Edition) Publication Date: October 11, 2008 ISBN-10: 0672329166 ISBN-13: 978-0672329166 http:// http:// http://

word count: 1350

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