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Computers & Crime


Submitted By unwinpg1
Words 1757
Pages 8
Computers and Crime
Faculty of Arts

Assignment One



The Australian Centre for Policing Research Minimum provisions for the investigation of computer based offences (Reading 3) sets out the following items that should be considered for computer crime related legislation:

1. Unauthorised use

2. Computer related fraud

3. Computer forgery

4. Damage to computers

5. Unauthorised interception

6. Unauthorised reproduction of a protected computer program

7. Data misappropriation

8. Unauthorised access devices

9. Impersonation

10. Objectionable material and child pornography

Compare the legislation available in your jurisdiction to each of the above items. The legislation can be shown in table form if convenient.

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the legislation in your jurisdiction against the ACPR ‘ Minimum Provision.’

The Queensland Police Service has a dedicated computer investigation Section that investigates all computer related offences. To facilitate this, the following State legislation are used:
Criminal Code Act 1899
Classification of Computer Games and Images Act 1995
Evidence Act 1977
Criminal Proceeds Confiscations Act 2002

Table demonstrating Queensland Law and relevant Act and Section

|Incident description |Covered by State Legislation |Relevant Act and Section |
|Unauthorised Use |Yes |Criminal Code Act 1899 (Qld) – Section |
| | |408D – ‘Computer hacking and misuse |
|Computer related fraud |Yes |Criminal Code Act 1899 (Qld) - Section |
| |

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