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Concussions Should Not Avoid Concussions In Sports

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A concussion is described as a "mild traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head or body that causes the brain to move rapidly within the skull." Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, confusion, and mood swings. Some athletes may even suffer long-term consequences. “These days sports concussions are getting more attention as there are up to 4 million cases of concussions reported due to recreation” (Tangstar Science). such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which can cause serious mental health disorders and cognitive deterioration. Unfortunately, concussions are frequently overlooked and underreported, putting athletes' long-term health at risk. Players, coaches, and parents must be aware of the risks associated with this injury. …show more content…
This expanding worry has captured the attention of athletes, coaches, medical professionals, and lawmakers alike. The increased number of reported cases, as well as a better knowledge of the long-term repercussions of traumatic brain injuries, underline the critical need for changes in how we manage concussions in athletics. As Dr. Neilank Jha mentioned in an article, we should not allow children to avoid sports because they are afraid of concussions. Sports allow youngsters to exercise both their bodies and their “Sports” provide kids an opportunity to exercise their bodies and minds. Discipline, teamwork and character-building are all an essential part of sport”( Dr. Neilank Jha). Encourage discipline, teamwork, and character

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