Premium Essay

Conflict Management Plan


Submitted By escupetaso
Words 586
Pages 3
University of Phoenix Material

Conflict Management Plan

1. Identify the available conflict management strategies and their strengths and weaknesses.

|Strategy |Strengths |Weaknesses |
| |It creates the need for others to |Not always all members work towards the same|
| |participate in order to get the tasking |issue. |
|Collaboration |done. | |
| |It makes a member or members of the team to|If promises can’t be kept, then team cannot |
|Compromising |assure others that resolution will be |function after that. |
| |final. | |
| |Putting ones interest in prospective and |Can result in misleading the other side of |
| |concentrate in others rather than solve or |the problem, giving them false sense of |
|Accommodating |accomplished his or hers. |security. |
| |Always good for challenges within the |If not taken seriously from both parties, it|
| |group. Referring to be challenge by |can become too personal. |
|Competing |counterpart. |

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