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Submitted By sconners31
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Pages 6
The Right of Habeas Corpus
POL201: American National Government
Instructor: Farrell Binder
October 27, 2013

The meaning of Habeas Corpus originates from a Latin word meaning “you have the body” (National Archives). It refers to the right of a person to question their imprisonment before a judge. The abuse of the right of habeas corpus has not been the most severe of civil liberties granted not to Americans only, but many other countries. The right of Habeas Corpus defends a prisoner. It gives a prisoner an opportunity to prove that their guaranteed rights to fair treatment in a trial was not given to them. The concept initially became a law in the 17th century in England when Catholics were considerate disloyal to the throne of King Charles II. It precedes the Magna Carta in 1215. It isn’t an original American concept. It became a law in the west when England parliament decreed the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 (
In 1861 right after the start of the American Civil War President Lincoln ordered a suspension of Habeas Corpus. It only applied to Maryland and parts of the Midwestern states. John Merryman, a Maryland secessionist, was capture by Union Troops. The Chief Justice and Supreme Court overlooked Lincoln’s order of suspension and demanded that the military bring Merryman before the court. Lincoln and the military then ignored their ruling. Chief Justice Taney governed Lincoln’s suspension unconstitutional. The first real act of Habeas Corpus comes from the passage of the Habeas Corpus Act of 1867 through 1915. At that time the court deprived Leo Frank of this right during a murder trial. Some other remarkable evolutions of this act during history are Lincoln's Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus this was a historical moment for this right of the constitution. “Lincoln's power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus was

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