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Correlation: Necessary Or Harmful?

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You have a test coming up next week and you chose to hang out with your friends instead of studying. The night before the test you chose to open your book and study for a few hours, The next day you took the test and barely knew any of the information. Your friend next to you, took the week they had and went over the information a few hours every night. When grades came back, you failed and your friend passed. The correlation between this was that your friend took advantage of the time they had to study and you chose not to use that time and waited till the last minute, in result you failed your test. Meaning that studying for a test the night before isn't going to benefit your grade as much as studying a week before. Correlation is a measure of the extent to which two factors vary together, and thus of how well either factor predicts the other. …show more content…
This text is a spitting image of my life, I grew up with a poor relationship with my father, we would always fight and he would mistreat me. At the age of twelve, I started to develop depression, anger issues, low self esteem and anxiety. When I was fourteen I started having sex at a young age with random guys, sneaking out of the house, participating in drugs and alcohol and misbehaving. I strongly believe my father mistreating was a huge part of me acting the way I

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