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Couple Lies by


Submitted By tbeard1
Words 697
Pages 3
Everyday people tell lies that seem minor and ineffective on life. These lies are considered white lies or kind lies. A white lie is a cautious, wrong statement which is meant to do no harm or is intended to produce an encouraging result. Adair Lara’s Couple lie shows readers white lies in marriage. She states “This is marital lying. It’s not a white lie, meant to spare your feelings. It’s a pink lie, a couple lie.” In her opinion white lies and couple lies are different, couple lies are acceptable. The author and many people see white lies and couple lies as a way to get through life, but are the results always positive? Couple Lies and White lies may seem innocent and harmless but can potentially cause problems in relationships and friendships.
Usually white lies and couple lies aren’t intentional. They are just told at a moment in time when you find yourself in a situation where you may feel as if the truth is harmful, or at least the complete truth. Other times you are uncomfortable answering the question that is asked and rather avoid a problem. Sometimes we fear that the truth may hurt someone’s feelings therefore we use a white lie or couple lie to save face. We lie to those questions like “how do I look?” or “how does the food taste?” You would rather boost someone’s ego rather than be responsible for lowering their self-esteem. We feel that if we bring someone happiness it is a win-win situation. This ideology seems quite simple and fool proof which is why people choose to tell little white and couple lies in life.
When you really think about it, white lies are told out of one’s selfishness. No one stops to think what the outcome of these white lies and couple lies might be and what the lies can possibly cause in a week, month or year. What happens when lying becomes part of a daily routine? There are many situations in which white lies lead to

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