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Create New Board


Submitted By cooper2013
Words 422
Pages 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris rhoncus dictum tortor, eu porttitor velit viverra eu. Praesent rutrum tincidunt purus non gravida. Morbi faucibus orci id dolor pretium sed dictum magna pulvinar. Mauris porta lacinia tortor, non faucibus tortor malesuada id. Fusce vitae urna lacus. Sed ultricies laoreet est eu blandit. Suspendisse tellus nibh, viverra eget commodo in, tincidunt id risus. Integer luctus pharetra mauris, vel pharetra erat facilisis quis. Suspendisse at sem massa. Nulla facilisi.
Vestibulum eget hendrerit est. Proin a placerat magna. Fusce fermentum cursus interdum. Integer nisi urna, venenatis vel fringilla quis, consequat a tortor. Sed sagittis elementum condimentum. Phasellus nec tellus justo. Sed sollicitudin feugiat feugiat.
Phasellus ultricies odio a justo ultrices pellentesque. Phasellus vel leo felis, imperdiet sollicitudin mi. Cras porttitor, tellus ultrices ultricies vestibulum, purus mauris dignissim elit, et auctor mi sem vel magna. Nullam metus purus, pretium eu faucibus ut, auctor non enim. Nullam sollicitudin, justo eget convallis blandit, nunc sapien consectetur nulla, nec congue purus nisl eget justo. Vestibulum aliquet neque vitae sapien feugiat aliquam. Quisque massa metus, varius vitae pharetra sed, rutrum ut arcu. Nunc consectetur adipiscing magna vitae vehicula. Nullam sed quam sit amet lectus eleifend ornare fringilla ut libero. Fusce sit amet lectus eros, at varius quam.
Suspendisse vestibulum rutrum orci ac sagittis. Praesent ligula diam, adipiscing eget laoreet ut, aliquam eget sapien. Nunc condimentum auctor ligula a consectetur. Phasellus rhoncus, lorem sed pulvinar lacinia, risus odio scelerisque nisl, in adipiscing nisl mi id ligula. Duis adipiscing auctor ante, at porta ipsum sagittis et. Vestibulum elementum tempor nibh sit amet blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus interdum, eros a tempor ornare, nisi dui ultricies arcu, eu porta elit libero ac lacus. Fusce hendrerit iaculis nisl, in sollicitudin nisl ultrices ut. Sed eu lectus lectus, sed porta urna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus et lacinia tellus. Donec porta aliquam libero, id elementum magna ultricies rutrum. Vestibulum mollis sapien id erat faucibus adipiscing.
Nulla vestibulum convallis erat, ac aliquet odio interdum in. Nunc pretium iaculis libero eget accumsan. Nunc ante magna, fringilla nec semper in, pretium vitae lacus. Aliquam auctor auctor posuere. Sed imperdiet hendrerit magna sed posuere. Cras sollicitudin, lectus a fermentum elementum, augue nunc tincidunt quam, ut convallis purus nisl ac nisl. Donec non est eros. Sed dolor eros, commodo vitae dictum a, bibendum quis nibh. Quisque vel erat ac purus condimentum mattis a quis quam. Curabitur convallis vestibulum libero id porttitor.

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...with new users coming to the site on a regular basis. As the fastest growing site of all time with a 52% increase of new users in March, the company is extremely valuable. The site is still relatively brand new so worries of profitability should not be considered immediately. There are several options on how to monetize the site. * Sell advertising space for brands on related boards * Have top, promoted advertisements on the front page paid for in bidding contest by brand that it is worth most to * Sell phone applications that direct users on certain boards to websites * Create easy to purchase widgets on Pinterest when viewing your favorite apparel, food items, etc., that work with brand sites There will be problems associated with these methods. Excessive monetization of the site will seem to forward in the eyes of the user. Pinterest has gained its popularity by allowing users to find and experience passions that they were unaware of. To over commercialize the site would be seen as simply another site attempting to profit off consumers passions. The site must work closely with graphic design artists to create a feeling that the site is selling these brands and materials to users in an attempt to help realize their passions instead of profit off them. Company and Market Analysis Due to Pinterest being a web site, there is almost no barrier to entry, only requirements of a server, an IP address, and a website. This creates a high threat of new entrants...

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...Organizational development and fundraising professionals, as well as board volunteers, have the opportunity to cross boundaries that divide people in other sectors. Whether we view this opportunity with apprehension or enthusiasm depends on our heritage, experiences, beliefs, and vision. Historically, nonprofit boards have offered limited opportunities to develop diverse leadership. 4 Beyond representation: Building diverse board leadership teams Maria Gitin OVER THE YEARS , dialogue on board diversification has evolved from focus on the importance of representing constituents, to “doing the right thing,” which is characterized by opponents as “political correctness,” to the current widely held view that a nondiverse board is missing key potential donors and opinion leaders. Diverse leaders can expand knowledge, create new resources, and open doors to partnerships necessary to fulfill an organization’s mission. Recommended strategies for board diversification must be understood in the context of the deeply divided society of the United States. Although North American cultural issues are the result of a unique history, most elements of diversity planning will apply in other countries as well. By the year 2015 the nonwhite portion of the U.S. population is expected to increase to 30 percent NEW DIRECTIONS FOR PHILANTHROPIC FUNDRAISING, NO. 34, WINTER 2001 © WILEY PERIODICALS, INC. 77 78 DIVERSITY IN THE FUNDRAISING PROFESSION (Changing Our World, 2001). In...

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