Premium Essay

Crime Deviance


Submitted By aislinn122
Words 506
Pages 3
Essay pg. 215
Corporate crime, also called white-collar crime or organised crime, refers to criminal offences that are committed by persons during the course of legitimate business activities. The crimes are often non-violent and involve such crimes as fraud, insider trading, and money laundering. Public documents such as company records or personal documents such as diaries may be used to investigate corporate crime, although there are strengths and weaknesses of using these types of documents as a research method for this particular crime.

As stated in item A corporate crimes have low visibility which means that the people who undertake them leave very little trace of the crime committed. This poses a significant amount of problems. Public documents, which are mostly easy to get hold of, may help the investigation to show, for example, indications of anomalies in corporate figures which then may lead to how the particular corporate crime was carried out. Although it will still be hard to pinpoint the crime onto one individual. In this case using personal documents, such as a diary, as a means to investigate the crime may be favoured as this would help to narrow down an individual or multiple offenders who may have possibly noted down things to do with the crime committed. However personal documents are harder to get hold of and the investigator needs to ensure anonymity for the suspect. At the same time there tends to be less personal documents available for crimes from the people involved as they are aware that any records kept may be used against them which means that any personal records that do exist for crimes are likely to be unrepresentative.

Another factor making the study of corporate crime more difficult is the fact that there tends to be no clear victim as stated in item A. Even if there was an apparent victim they may not want to answer questions

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