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Crisis Management Research


Submitted By thoerr
Words 1354
Pages 6
Crisis Management Simulations Preparing for the unexpected is what most businesses and governments strive to do. They hope to curb the next disaster in their favor. Or in worst-case scenario, businesses and governments hope to at least curb the crisis to be the least damaging to their image. The question people struggle with is how can these organizations prepare for every possible crisis they could encounter? It is simple: they cannot. However, with today’s technology many organizations have implemented crisis management simulations to better prepare for these worst-case scenarios as well as test the organizations’ tactics used in managing crises. Crisis simulations are relatively new and unheard of in some companies. Crisis management’s purpose is to engage “the whole organization in efforts to avert crises that may affect the firm, and to effectively manage those that do occur” (Pearson, n.d.). Organized crises are used in firms to simulate a crisis, such as a PR scandal or terrorist attack, and test the organization’s reaction to the event, how the crisis is handled, and if it is done effectively. These simulations are recently becoming popular to use in organizations because of new technology that gives them a real-time, fast-paced feel. Companies are now realizing that “as the development of new technology outpaces our ability to fully understand its impact, and as global reach relentlessly stretches organizational capabilities, ‘firefighting’ becomes a way of life” (Pearson, n.d.). Organizations are being forced to react to crises quicker because word of a

Hoerr 2 scandal can now get around the world in seconds. By using crisis simulations, companies can prepare for how to handle a disaster. When conducting a crisis simulation, one of the main aspects is the crisis room. This is where modern technology helps in simulation because crisis room can simulate

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