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Cruelest Journey Odyssey

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Country singer, Jimmy Dean once said, “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination”, in reference to completing journeys. These words are relevant to Homer’s epic The Odyssey, and Kira Salak’s travel memoir The Cruelest Journey, where they both adapted to grueling situations during strenuous journeys. In Homer's piece, the protagonist Odysseus, embarked on a 10 year journey to his home and family in Ithaca, upon arrival he faces challenges to reclaim his family and kingdom. Likewise, In Salak’s memoir The Cruelest Journey, she reveals her arduous trip along the Niger River. Proving abilities to themselves, fulfilling a goal, and proving others wrong helped drive Odysseus and Salak …show more content…
Before setting his plan in action, he reveals himself to the suitors.He says, “Dogs! You thought I would never come back from Troy, so you have been carving up my substance, forcing the women to lie with you, courting my wife before I was dead… And now the cords of death are made fast about you.” (Homer 243)Odysseus is faced with the tough task of defeating over 100 suitors. Despite this seemingly impossible mission, Odysseus is motivated by the prospect of taking his house and wife back to then overtake the suitors.During his 10 year expedition, Odysseus arrives at Calypso’s island. While there, he meets a beautiful goddess named Calypso. Calypso offers Odysseus immortality and a house with her.Odysseus swiftly rejects the offer, he replies, “Don’t be cross with me!... My wife is nothing compared to you for beauty… She is mortal, you are immortal and never grow old. But even so, I long for the day of my home-coming. And if some god wrecks me again on the deep, I will endure it, for I have a patient mind.” (Homer 66).Even when proposed the attractive offer of permanent shelter and immortality, Odysseus stays focused on his goal of reuniting with his home and family in Ithaca.Similar to Odysseus, Salak faces endless hardships during her adventure. While kayaking along the Niger River, she endures indescribable pain.Salak writes, “A popping feeling now and a screech of pain. My right arm lurches from a ripped muscle. I try to get used to the pulses of pain as I fight the river. There is only one direction to go: forward. Stopping has become anathema.” (424).When her right arm became a source of great pain, Salak did not stop to rest, she persevered and continued kayaking.Despite roadblocks that attempt to delay or terminate an expedition, focusing on a specific goal

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