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Submitted By nawalj304
Words 3407
Pages 14

In this report I will be explaining the graduates’ future in UK labour market and how to improve, as you can understand since there is an economic downturn, since employment opportunities have declined for most workers, especially in today labour market. Since graduates who have high degree qualification is far protected from downturn to those who are graduated recently. There is a quote by Sir Richard Branson, entrepreneur in 2012 who gave a word advice to graduates as they don’t lose hope and go forward when finding a dream job after finishing university, as there is nothing in life is easy, as they have to work for it.

“No matter how great your qualifications are, if somebody else in your field graduates a year before you do, they will have a jump on you in the job market. So cast tradition aside – get ahead!”

Sir Richard Branson, entrepreneur of Virgin (2012).

As I read on I have found an interesting a book written by Gerbrand Tholen as he explains the nature of labour market among graduates and how does recession effect on them. In his book, as he explains further he said:

“Despite the lack of jobs for new graduates since the start of the last recession, there is no shortage in advice for them on how to approach the labour market. Indeed, the graduate labour market and in particular the labour market for graduate entrants has been the focus of much attention in media, policy and academic circles.”

Tholen, G. (2014). The Changing Nature of the Graduate Labour Market. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK. Pg1-89.

In this report will be discussing on how graduates will face the working world, will they survive or not if so how they will manage to face against economy and there will be competitions among those who have a higher university degrees like Oxford and so on.

Salary expectations

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