Premium Essay

Culrure Versus Rituals


Submitted By pentecov
Words 434
Pages 2
In many communities today there can be found different types of nutrition programs that are funded by various entities such as; non-profit organizations, government agencies etc. These programs are provided mainly to prevent and/ or reduce deprivation for individuals and communities. Even though the aim of these nutrition programs is to foster and maintain health there is still a large portion of these individuals that are malnourished and has still been eating unhealthy foods.
In order to improve and create a healthier lifestyle three very important elements that can be included in a public nutrition program would be education about foods and their nutritional values, Physical inactivity and its relationship to obesity, and practicing healthy eating habits. There are many families presently that are recipients of some nutrition program but are not utilizing the benefit correctly. A family receiving food stamps is able to purchase food from all food groups but if they instead chose to buy more of one type of food then their diet will be lacking. Educating on eating a balance diet would be very important. Also children should be encourage to drink milk at school sometimes instead of juice, and include vegetables in their choice of meal daily. If risk factors for certain diseases are identified and are properly implemented and promoted then some of these illnesses can be prevented. Obesity and many chronic diseases including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and type 2 diabetes, are preventable (CDC 2014). In 2014 the CDC awarded millions of dollars to specific geographic areas in an attempt to improve health in theses communities. With this funding they were able to implement certain strategies to promote health and wellness. These strategies promote nutrition guidelines that encourages the provision of healthy food and drinks to be available in schools and

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