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Cultural Influence On American Culture

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When I was a child, I had to wear cultural clothing for an event at my local Hindu temple. As I was putting the clothes on, I was very worried that others would judge me for embracing my religion in public. My mother noticed my anxiousness and reassured me that people in the community accept people for who they are and that nothing would happen. I nodded in agreement, hopeful that the day will be good while wearing traditional Indian clothing. Going to the temple, all was fine, since no one had commented on what I was wearing. However, on our way back from the cultural event, things were different. We had stopped by a grocery store and that is where I became exposed to the lack of tolerance in people. As my family and I walked in, people stopped …show more content…
Denmark has never been exposed to other cultures because they feel that it would only corrupt their own culture. Due to this, they have closed their borders to immigrants crossing the Mediterranean and became xenophobic. This lack of tolerance only amounted to the Danes discriminating against the refugees from other countries who did not want to integrate themselves into Danish customs and democratic institutions. Immigrants grew negative attitudes towards the people of Denmark as a result. Bridging the gap between Danish and immigrant cultures would be much easier if they were accepting and appreciating of each other’s social constructs, which would build on their tolerance levels while decreasing their animosity towards one another. The absence of tolerance is irreplaceable without this empathy, and its effects on our world can be devastating. As one expert on the matter puts it, every nation has a foundation on which it is supported, but that foundation crumbles “if there are fractures and faults in the foundation” (Abdur Rafay Usmani). When communities stay intolerant, they begin to breed a hatred that develops into a disgust of other cultures, preventing …show more content…
Renowned expert Susan Leigh says that “Tolerance in life is about respect, respecting others as we would like to be respected ourselves...Other people’s religion, colour, sexuality, and lifestyle deserve to be treated with respect.” By appreciating others’ differences, you not only broaden your own perspectives of their way of life but also gain tolerance. People who are not judgemental tend to learn personal discipline, allowing them to respect and be supportive of diverse outlooks, which is exactly what allows cultures to coexist. When both sides respect one another, instead of denigrating each other, they gain a mutual respect that leads to a greater tolerance within a community. Therefore, being able to respect other people is a key aspect of becoming a more tolerant and empathetic person. However, immediately being able to respect others is not common because effort is necessary to gain tolerance. For example, if you want to familiarize with diverse cultures, joining a discussion group to learn about views on cultural and lifestyle distinctions can introduce you to new ideas you may have never seen before. Traveling extensively when you can and interacting with locals of other ethnicities allows you to fill in more puzzle pieces of the bigger picture, which is understanding varying philosophies. Researching other religions and backgrounds

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