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Submitted By aletuesta
Words 591
Pages 3
Alexandra Tuesta


Focus Group: Current female costumers from fast-fashion stores brands
Discussion Guide


The objectives to be achieved with this market research study are: * Identify the major functional benefits women consider that affordable fashionable-cloths give her * Detect the major psychosocial benefits that women believe that wearing affordable fashionable-cloths makes them feel or what do other people will think of them * Determine If women consider that wearing fashionable-cloths gives them some kind of ¨values¨

INTRODUCTION (10 minutes)
INTRODUCTION (10 minutes)
Hello everybody. First of all, I want to thank you for your time and effort to participate in this focus group. You have been selected to participate today in this discussion, and we will really appreciate your honest answers, opinions and different points of view. We are willing to receive new ideas, judgments and thoughts from such a great group. Hope you will enjoy this discussion and that we will make you feel comfortable during the whole session. -

* Moderator intro: I will let them know that I´m a student from UCLA extension. * Searching for honest answers and opinions; specify that there will not be right or wrong answers, and all the discussion talked will stay in completely confidentiality * Turn off cell phones * A brief talk about the the fast-fashion industry and the impact that is having lately among the female population * Participant introduces herself


Now we are going to talk about your favorite fashion brands, and also your reactions and opinions about the fashion model we are going to discuss today. We will like to know what are

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