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D1 - Analyse How Cultural Variation Can Influence Communication


Submitted By aklima97
Words 1228
Pages 5
D1 - Analyse how cultural variation can influence communication
The handshake is used in England as a gesture. This gesture is used in England as a form of a greeting between two people. This is for when they engages with each other. The handshake may also be used when a deal is made between two parties on something.
This influences communication in a positive way as these two parties are interacting with one another and also getting along with each other. If they get along with each other, it will create effective communication as when a service user and a care worker handshake, neither of them will get offended in anyway which helps them cooperate and network with each other more effectively. However on the other hand, this may effect communication negatively because in other cultures and countries such as France, a handshake is normally quick and crisp as this is practised like this in general.
A firm long handshake in china is often considered impolite in France. Women in France offer their hand only in business and social settings. This can have a positive influence on communication as people would come together and interact with one another cooperatively. However, it can also make a negative impact because if the handshake is too long, people will end up becoming offended. Therefore, when a service user and a care worker come together, they will have to cautious so that no one gets offended as it may lead to the service user unwilling to communicate and awkwardness will occur into the interactions. This effects communication because there would be no use of that time if the service user is unwilling to talk and it wouldn’t be productive.
In China, the long handshake shows that the person is glad to meet you and the Chinese person might make a slight bow when shaking hands. This just shows respecting one another. This would make a positive

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