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Database Models Assignment


Submitted By nunya37
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MGT321 Management Info Systems

Database Models Assignment

The organization I am using is for a database model is a Fortune 500 behavioral marketing company that focuses on grocery shopper’s behaviors and trends to create targeted brand media to the shopper at the point-of-sale (POS). This organization employs 800 people across the United States, with their corporate headquarters being in Florida, employees in remote offices, ones who work from home, as well as international employees in 4 countries; Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan and France. We will call this company “Mayani Marketing Inc.”

The database model chosen for this company is Relational, based on the fact that most of the departmental data is already based in Oracle, Microsoft Access and SQL Server and MySQL. The type of data this company specializes in is shopping basket information. These transactions are captured in the millions per day over a 20,000+ network nationwide, and are encrypted to provide security to the shopper identities, which are never linked to their shopping basket data (the use of frequent shopper cards and loyalty programs help this data collection). There is a data warehouse that is comprised of multiple IBM Blade servers as well as two Netezza TwinFin servers that are the platform of the data warehouse structure. Mayani is also taking advantage of Netezza's partnership of i-class advanced analytics, which partners the data warehousing with SAS and Micro Strategy to harness all of the data it collects every day. This is the production records part of the business, the bread and butter.

Different departments throughout the company need to access this data warehouse, and use it in different capacities. A SaaS system is brought in to manage the inventory tracking of the millions of equipment purchased that is installed in Mayani’s network of partner grocery stores, which includes POS printers and PC’s. This equipment is pingable, and every night the data warehouse collects from the bios of each PC installed, vital data regarding the health of that store's installation and every printer that is showing online in that store. If a printer falls off line, the purchasing and logistics department wants to know immediately to start tracking down where this asset might be, or help it get back online if it was just unplugged by the cashier. This SaaS system gets nightly feeds from multiple oracle databases, external repair vendors, maintenance and warranty information, and produces reports and exceptions for key people every day to action.

Payroll, Finance/Accounting, Fixed Assets and Human Resources all use relational database software that is oracle based. When one record is updated for an employee, vendor, or asset, it is all updated within this database in real time.

Mayani Marketing Inc. works hard to keep costs down, so the data warehouse also captures ink shots per print, length of paper (rolls) printed per printer LTD, the number of cleanings and maintenance the printer had etc. Micro Strategy is used to report on the performance of each printer, as well as how much ink is being used, wasted and lost. This helps Mayani keep costs down in the millions because Mayani only pays the manufacturer for ink actually used, not just what was shipped.

The Marketing, Sales and Contracts departments need to keep up with the manufacturer accounts whose advertising and coupons are what is printed at the POS to the customers. They will use a relational database model as well, linking the account manager names with the manufacturer information, and providing feedback and KPI’s to the users, as well as forecasts for the future as to who will renew their contracts.

This database model will have multiple feeds coming out of Mayani, being placed out on our ftp Axway web site. Their SaaS will pick it up nightly and distribute that data accordingly, by Chain (attributes)-Store (attributes)-Lane (attributes) and Printer (attributes).

This database model will be backed up nightly through a web backup to another group of servers in another city 250 miles away (centrally) located away from tornado and hurricane prone areas. The database will have Single-Sign-On so that the users will not have to remember multiple passwords and logins.

This database differs from a hierarchical or flat file in that all the fields in the tables have a unique identifier to link the tables together. This ensures the data integrity of the system as a whole.

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