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Davao Immersion Trip


Submitted By castillogrem
Words 1385
Pages 6
Operation Research:
Davao Immersion Trip
Relation to Course

A Paper
Submitted to MSBMW in Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirement in OR

Submitted by:
February 7, 2013

Our group was assigned to be at the second plane which is the departure time is 5 o’clock in the morning. We departed in Manila (Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 3) at exactly 5:15 am and we arrived at Davao (Francisco Bangoy International Airport) around 6:45 am. Outside the airport we were welcomed by the travel group showing a tarpaulin saying “Evaluate, Energize, Enhance – Davao City”; it is the Immersion trip’s theme for this year. My friends and I was on the bus number 4 with our very jolly tour guide, Kuya . Day 1 is for city tour. Our first destination is Wild Safari Grill. It is where we ate our buffet breakfast for us to be fueled and full-tanked for the fun and tiring itineraries of the day. Based on my research Wild Safari Grill is owned by Kenneth Yap of Ranch and Reef. Our second destination was the Davao Museum is situated inside the Insular Subdivision. We didn’t stay long inside because the place is only small and you can finish viewing in a short period of time. After Davao Museum we proceeded to the Davao Central 911. The Davao Central 911 is a emergency response team that helps to maintain peace and order in the city. Davao city is the first in the Philippines that has an emergency response system. It can respond to various kinds of emergency call such medical attention, fire and even the domestic disturbances. It provides residents of Davao City immediate response to emergencies by simply dialing 911 on any land line or mobile phone. As part of our itinerary we went to Lola Abon’s Durian Candy Factory. We went shopping for pasalubongs. Lola Abon’s offers one of the best durian candies and such in Davao City. We were also given a

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