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David Mcleod Analysis

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This journal article comes from David McLeod, this journal was written in response to concern, some writers voiced about the present work of Christ that seem to be "largely neglected"[1] by those known as systematic theologians of the church. McLeod's opinion was that such neglect would not be comprehended by authors of the New Testament. The authors believed that Christ present work was seen as the most important themes. The reason for this article McLeod states would be to "examine the work of one of those authors, the epistle to the Hebrews, and to outline its contribution to the subject."[2] As indicated in this written, there are three reasons that support this study. First, impoverishment would come to Christians if any …show more content…
McLeod does this in a twofold way. First, the Commencement of Christ's Present Ministry, and secondly the Activities of His Present Ministry. Christ ascension commencement his present ministry McLeod allude that this "is one of a series of events that marked the beginning of Christ present ministry."[3] We see Christ ascension bring him into the sanctuary where he is enthrone with honor seated in the holy of holies at the right hand of the God the father. He is now exalted, and seen as resting from the work that he has completed. This also …show more content…
began with receiving the honor of High Priest of mankind. Christ is seen in this present ministry as standing before God as the sacrifice for those who has accepted Him as savior. McLeod use this to show Christ representation as one of being in the immediate presence of god in the act of representing those that have sin, and Him being a completed sacrifice for their sin. This allowing them to have acceptance with God. Christ second activities is to provide a new and living way to commune with God that never grows obsolete. Here intercession, is defined by McLeod as "the sympathetic appeals and petitions of the ascended, incarnate Son of God to God the father (on the basis of a finished sacrifice) for the preservation, forgiveness, renovation, and bringing to glory of His

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