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Dawkins Delusion


Submitted By jagggg
Words 1037
Pages 5
Dawkin’s Delusion
(1) Deluded about God?
(2) Has Science Disproved God?
-the advancement of science and discovery does not equate to atheism rising or substantiating what atheism stands for -nature can be interpreted in a theistic and atheistic way; both are genuine intellectual possibilities for science -there are limits to science;

-“some ultimate questions lie beyond science” Sir Martin Rees, president of Royal society, which brings together Britain’s leading scientists -the great questions of life cannot be answered with any degree of certainty; any given set of observations can be explained by a number of theories -science cannot be mixed by interpretation

-“science explains everything” outlook is dismissed and naïve -scientific theories cannot “explain the world” but only “explain the phenomena” observed in the world. -is there purpose within nature?

How did everything begin? What are we all here for? What is the point of living? Where are we going after this? Non-overlapping magisteria of science & religion
Partially overlapping magisteria of science & religion  a realisation that science and religion offer possibilities of cross fertilisation on account of interpenetration of their subjects and methods Francis Collins; evolutionary biologist who heads up the famous Human Genome Project: “a richly satisfying harmony between the scientific and spiritual worldviews” “principles of faith is complementary to the principles of science” Owen Gingerich (leading Harvard astronomer) “this belief does not interfere with the scientific enterprise” Survey in 1997: 45% did not believe in God, 40% believed in God, 15% were unsure Trend expected where people would grow out of infancy and stop believing in God altogether proved to be false as the number stabilised through the years Atheists who say they believe in science actually bring in assumptions to their science instead of basing it on science Dawkin’s stand: religion & science at locked into a battle to the death; only one can emerge victorious and that is science (3) Origins of religion -dawkins argue that man created religion as they were longing for something more -wanting or longing for something is no demonstration that it does not exist -all world views are a response to human needs and desires

-delusion of God was there as people were socially and economically alienated; which would die out naturally when socialist revolution came; -Sigmund Freud argued that origins of belief in God lay in the longing for a father-figure. Once it is appreciated that God is a wish-fulfillment conjured up as a result of human projection, we can move beyond this infantile illusion, and grow up -dawkins attack it saying it is a delusion and conjured by the mind but this argument is flawed because belief in God is based on many aspects such as knowledge, beliefs, experience, ritual practices, social affiliation, motivation and behavioural consequences -dennett argued that: we have a god centre which depended on a mystical gene because people with it tend to survive better (natural selection) -inconsistent with his idea of universal Darwinism which eschews any notion of purpose: a view famously summarised in his statement that the universe has no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference Dawkins cant say religion as something accidental borne out as his understanding of the evolutionary process precludes any theorical framework that allows him to suggest that some outcomes are intentional and some are accidental Dawkins proposition is not based on any research or facts

We find speculation and supposition taking the place of rigorous evidence-driven and evidence-based arugments that we have the right to expect. Dawkins theories though highly interesting must be considered to be highly speculative. His arguments about the psychological origins of religion are littered with ‘maybes’ and ‘mights’, verbal signpost that there is no substantial evidence for the highly tenuous and speculative ideas he explores Whatever benefits of religion there might be, these writers believe that they arise entirely inside human minds. No spiritual realities exist outside us World views can easily promote fanaticism. Dawkins treat this as a defining characteristic of religion and this fanaticism is irrational
Cognitive bias is in all of us which causes us to turn a blind eye to evidence which may not suit our world view. Religion is a by-product of the misfiring of several of these modules Sigmond Freud pointed out that religion was the most complex phenomenon in civilisation; making it impossible to explain by any single factor Dawkin asserts that religion is a “virus of the mind” this argument quickly fails as a virus is not merely hypothesized; they can be identified, observed and their structure Dawkin separates rational ideas that mind can conjure as legit and irrational ideas that mind conjure (religion) as mental viruses. For e.g. being nice could be a mental virus, why is it good or right? Since everything is random World views cannot be proven;

Dawkin is making a lot of assertions which are based on his highly subjective personal judgment Dawkins define religious belief as blind trust, which refuses to take due account of evidence, or subject itself to examination (which is not true) After examination, religion or belief in God can stand and is compatible with what is believed. God meme performs well because it has high survival value or infective power in the environment provided by human culture. The meme cannot be considered a viable scientific hypothesis when there is no clear operational definition of a meme, no testable model for how memes influence culture and why standard selection models are not adequate, The scientific evidence for memes is actually much weaker than the historical evidence for the existence of Jesus. Dismiss the notion that all religions say more or less the same thing. They clearly do not. (alister mcgrath) Examples of atheist idealogy causing violence: soviet authorities systematically destroyed and eliminated the vast majority of churches and priests during the period 1918-41. This violence and repression was undertaken in pursuit of an atheist agenda; the elimination of religion Dawkins view that atheism promotes peace and without religion there will be peace is a naïve and immature stand. Atheism needs to subject itself to the self-searching intellectual and moral criticisms that religious systems are willing to direct against themselves

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