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Death and Impermanence


Submitted By beason11
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Final paper for English 225

Death and Impermanence
In life we often learn through the experiences of others or own experience. We can also change our actions or beliefs from what we have learned. Death is different and we cannot experience or learn from the dead. So what are the deaths and impermanence is in these two poems, “Dog's Death” by John Updike and “In Memoriam” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson that give you compare and contrast to these poems. They related more by someone in the family died.
The circumstance might be some terrible death that would make one flee. These two poems are comparison by families and friends missing them after death. They result of this fear is that sorrowing love ones have to many unnecessary complications at a difficult time in their lives. They are frequently disoriented and in shock. “In Memoriam”, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson can compare to “Dog's Death”, by John Updike in many ways. Both poem progresses are noticeable in the rhyme of the poems. Reading these poems feeling of sympathy, which is likely to became empathy (Clugston, 2010 2.3). There's an initial feeling of sadness, but if the reader reflects in what the poems has to say about the person, who is died in inevitable life cycle (Clugston, 2010 2.3). Author uses words to express ideas and feelings and they sense deeply. Yet as the poems progresses, more reminiscent and praising diction is used by the speaker such as “warm” and“love”. (Bush 2006 – 2011). In this poem the family cares about their dog in “Dog's Death by John Updike and the poem “In Memoriam”, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, the author lost friend in his twenty. While caring for an ill or dying loved one was an important family function during past generations “it is clear that the handling of illness and death are increasingly the responsibility of institutions other than the family (Fournier & Weber 1985 Pg. 43 – 49). Fear of death and losses in life contribute to withdrawal from the world and lack of knowledge about oneself (Stephen, S. (Jan 2011) Vol. 19 Iss. 1, pg. 5). Finding one's place in the world is facilitated by appreciating impermanence, immersing oneself in nature, and becoming fully present in intimate relationships (Stephen, S. (Jan 2011) Vol. 19 Iss 1,pg. 5) . This reflection integrates literature and poetry to explore the challenges and opportunities presented by impermanence. A pet is certain as human being so when human or pets died when still feel the same sad. When a person or pet died; you still go through these 12 myths.
Myth#1: People who experience intense grief over a pet who died (or will die) are weird. (Bash
2006 -2011)
Myth#2: The loss of pet is insignificant when compared to the loss of human life. (Bash 2006
To grieve for the loss of a pet devalues the importance of human relationships. (Bash 2006 -2011)
Myth#3: It’s best to replace the lost pet as quickly as possible to ease the pain of loss. (Bash 2006-2011)
Myth#4: You should mourn alone. Be strong and independent when it comes to this. (Bash 2006
Don’t burden others with your problems. (Bash 2006 -2011)
Myth#5: You should “just get over it.”(Bash 2006 -2011)
Myth#6: You’re selfish if you euthanize your love ones. (Bash 2006 -2011)
Myth#7: The best way to cope is to suppress and bury your grief. Keep busy so as to not dwell on your troubles. (Bash 2006 -2011)
Myth#8: When people talk about missing their fur baby, it’s best to redirect their attention to pleasant memories they have about the pet. (Bash 2006 -2011)
Myth#9: Time heals all wounds. Just give it enough time and you’ll no longer feel so bad. (Bash
2006 -2011)
Myth#10: The best way to protect you from the pain of pet loss is to not get another pet ever again. (Bash 2006 -2011)
You can never do this with a person because nobody can compare to them.
Myth#11: Children handle pet death rather easily. (Bash 2006 -2011)
The experience will not be carried over into adult life. (Bash 2006 -2011)
Myth#12: It is best to protect children from the upsetting truth of what has happened to their pet.
(Bash 2006 -2011)
There is a lot of simile the poems but what is the most important thing is. How the love one care about the death of the human being that has died? When it is used in literature, persona refers tothe person who is the narrator in a story or the speaker in a poem. (Clugston, 2010) Poetry is an expression of the human spirit. (Clugston, 2010)
Don't worry about explaining what the poem means.(Clugston 2010 9.3) First, let it "speak" for itself; listen; accept (identify with) the overall impression it creates (Clugston 2010 9.3). Reading aloud helps you comprehend the overall meaning of the poem and discover the flow of thoughts that hold it together. The theme of a poem is rarely stated explicitly: it has to be looked for, discovered. And to identify it, you must consider the implications and representations of everything that appears in the poem (Clugston 2010 10.5). In other words, the content of a poem is usually carefully developed—not just to be appealing—but to illustrate an underlying concept that the poet values and wants to communicate (Clugston 2010 10.5) So images, symbols, imaginative detail, and allusions (among other techniques) have dual functions in poetry: They contribute to the clarity of the content on a literal level and point to an underlying concept on a thematic level (Clugston 2010 10.5). Poets often use them to illustrate an idea or theme (Clugston 2010 10.5). Let yourself respond to the poem's dominant elements, the aspects that produce its overall effect: its rhythm, rhyme, tone, and feeling (Clugston 2010 9.3). Identifying sounds and tone in a poem is a simple step that requires you to listen imaginatively as you read and to identify with feelings you encounter (Clugston 2010 10.2). Poets rely heavily on sound effects, choosing words that not only convey sound but also emphasize the particular sound (tone) they want the reader to sense (Clugston 2010 10.2). Take your clues for pauses from the punctuation: Commas, semicolons, dashes, and periods are there to help you discover the flow of the poem (Clugston 2010 9.3). As we know poems come with simile; they also come with different.
I mention on the now that it’s not a sentimental poem. What is different is “Dog's Death,” by John Updike then in the “In Memoriam,” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson? I would not give it to a friend on the occasion of their dog’s death as consolation. Too young to know much, she was beginning to learn (Clugston 2010 2.3). The dog was on the death bed and she was going to die. The autopsy disclosed a rupture in her liver (Clugston 2010 2.3). They learn that she was lying down forever (Clugston 2010 2.3). She trying a play with her owner by bites his hand. And my wife called in a voice imperious with tears (Clugston 2010 2.3). When losing an animal is like loss a member of the family. “She really feels for the dog to surround by love that would have upheld her/ nevertheless”, she sank (Clugston 2010 2.3). The death of the dog was a shamed. I personal look at it as a poem about the inability of ever lover to triumph over death. Monday morning, as the children were noisily fed (Clugston 2010 2.3). And sent to school, she crawled beneath the youngest's bed (Clugston 2010 2.3). Highly cohesive families were less likely to allow children to participate and have less understanding about death (Weber & Furnier, 1984 pg 43 – 49). The dog brought some pain. The dog brought heartache to their life. Drawing near to dissolution, had endured the shame (Clugston 2010 2.3). Of diarrhea and had dragged across the floor (Clugston 2010 2.3). While caring for ill or dying loved one was an important family function during past generations “it is clear that the handling of illness and death are increasingly the responsibility of constitutions other than the family (Weber & Furnier, 1984 pg 43 – 49). This implies that the more the speaker remembers the lost life, the more emotionally involved he becomes, realizing just how innocent and precious the puppy was. Thereafter the denial of death is an intellectual drama with many acts. He has eliminated both life and death from the eternal and necessary truths which alone are meant to preoccupy the philosopher (Cohen, 2006 pg 21-39). Dog’s Death by John Updike was about imperious for a dog. The dog death was so slow and the family had the live in imperious. I felt as bad that right, I‘ve ever felt, I think… fears ran off my face like rain for a dog (Gage & Holcomb, 1991 pp. 103-105). Which loss of members due to death ranks among the most stressful (Gage & Holcomb, 1991 pp. 103 – 105)? Animals are human and they need love like a person. Therefore the different between “In Memoriam”, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson and “Dog's Death”, by John Updike is “In Memoriam”, involves the poets play upon the word type, which in the poem means either “biological species” or “divinely intended” prefiguration of Christ (Ban – Chan 2004). You can see the uncertainty in the first two lines “Oh, yet we trust that somehow good/ will be final end of ill” Note that this is a statement of fact – The poem describe various stages of sorrow and loss (Ban – Chan 2004). This poem show lyric that expresses the poet's thought about death or a poem in memory and praise of one who had died (Clugston 2010 11.6). This poem contains no single unifying theme, and its ideas do not unfold in any particular order. The climax of the poem is generally considered on a mystical trance ( An accumulation of images of loss and uncertainty that it is usually initiated by the death of a person highly regarded by the poet (Clugston 2010 11.6). Is it possible to stand firm in the face of almost certain death, and win over fear to be found courageous? This poem had refined his characteristic basic poetic structure and needed a theme that would permit him to apply his gifts to a major form(Landrum, 2010).
In Memoriam from grief and despair through doubt to hope and faith, but at each step stubborn, contrary emotions intrude, and one encounters doubt in the midst of faith, pain in the midst of resolution (Landrum, 2010).
Typology (or typological symbolism) is a Christian form of biblical interpretation that proceeds on the assumption that God placed anticipations of Christ in the laws, events, and people of the
Old Testament (Landrum, 2010). This poems want people to believe with trust that when God's plan is understood, all will see that not one life is cast as rubbish to the void," but even as he tries to assert this hopeful view, his doubts wear away his confidence. It is enriched human experience: myths, the earliest stories in every culture, shape beliefs about divinity, creation, truth, and death, whereas legends, tales, fables, and parables emphasize and clarify particular human experiences (Clugston 2010 4.4). That nothing walks with aimless feet; that not one life shall be destoy'd, (Clugston 2010 11.6) I think this mean that if you walk with the Lord that you will not suffer when died. When God hath made the pile complete; (Claxton 2010 11.6) that not a worm is cloven in vain; (Claxton 2010 11.6) that not a moth with vain desire (Claxton 2010 11.6). God can do everything why we still try not to do anything.
Or course everyone wants to remember their past when they died and a dog or human wants to earn someone praise before their death. The “Dog's Death”, by John Updike is comparison and contrast by “In Memoriam”, by Alfred Lord Tennyson that bring the family and friend to be emotionally because of their death. The time after a person dies is a time at which that person does not exists as subjects of possible experience. The condition of being dead is not bad for that person but it is for their love ones. What if it was your death?

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