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Define Functional Versus Dysfunctional Conflict in a Work Group and Explain How You Can Increase Functional Conflict and Decrease Dysfunctional Conflict.


Submitted By parixitt
Words 1442
Pages 6
Conflict arises when there is some indifference among two parties. In any working group conflict is almost unavoidable. When most people hear the word conflict, they often tend to take the term in negative manner. Almost everyone perceives conflict to be a malefactor and that it often hinders the development process of any group. Although usually people think of it as a bad thing, conflict on the contrary can be a positive occurrence within a group to bring about change. Comprehensively conflict refers to a situation in which there are opposing demands or ideas and a choice has to be made between them. So, it means without conflict there wouldn't be any opposing demands or ideas in which case the choices are obvious and easy. This can often mean there would be no innovation or no opposition to the idea presented hence no alternatives just a straight path ahead. A group must think of all possible ways for an idea to thrive most effectively and efficiently. Hence, conflict not only is salient but also encouraged in a work group.
Generally conflict is caused by a number of reasons. For example, conflict can arise because of poor communication among the group members, other reasons can be lack of openness and/or failure to respond to everyone’s need by the head of the group. The belief that all conflict is harmful must be avoided. Conflicts must be believed to be natural and inevitable. It must be dealt accordingly, a conflict can not only be a positive force in a group but it is very necessary for a group to perform effectively. But like everything else, conflict has a positive and a negative aspect within itself. Being said that, conflict can arise a number of problems. Within a work group there are people with different ideas and different views on a number of aspects. Depending upon the kind of positive and negative impact a conflict can bring within a group, it can

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