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Definition Essay About Heroes

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Despite the popular belief that heroes are created only by Marvel, I believe that real heroes can be found all around the world. Although they’re not always recognized or acknowledged at all heroes are an important part of our community. When we need it, the people that own the title of a hero are there for anyone to fall back on. Even America leans on the hero soldiers of our country. Each and every hero contributes so much to our society and relentlessly fights for their goals.
Another popular belief is that most heroes are already famous and reached a godlike status, but that’s actually quite incorrect. “Heroes represent the best of ourselves, respecting that we are human beings. A hero can be anyone from Gandhi to your classroom teacher, anyone who can show courage when faced with a problem. A hero is someone who is willing to help others in their best capacity” (Ricky Martin online). The message behind this quote is a great example of heroism, bravery, courage, can be shown from anyone and is key aspects of what makes a hero. Soldiers risk their life every day, most likely terrified, but they do what is right. If every man and woman volunteered to become a firefighter, risked their life to save a stranger, or did even the simplest acts of kindness our world would be incredibly amazing. …show more content…
These men and women, though they might be unnoticed and unrecognized, their bravery is astonishing. “A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not always knowing the answers, goes ahead and overcomes anyway” (Christopher Reeve online). The strength that is required to achieve the hero status is incomprehensible. A hero has traits that can include being reliable, courageous, fearless, and daring. Not too many people can say that they have all of these traits, or even one of them, making heroes special in more than one

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