Premium Essay



Submitted By rammai
Words 2830
Pages 12
Academic Journal #1

Stacey Cayetano

June 24, 2012


Composing Process

1. What is the purpose of the subheading winter gardens, what is so significant about talking about God in a story named Making Babies?

The purpose of the section of the story talking about God is to show the innocence of a child, how a child imagination can run wild and bring up questions that leave the parents wondering or trying to formulate how to answer in a way that doesn’t hurt their feelings or make them believe that what they think is correct. It also shows the difficulties of being parents how you as a human being doesn’t have the answers for everything but you should know how to answers your children doubts and curiosity. This part of the story also shows how religion has an influence on a child life and no matter how much you try to hide it the questions of supernatural being will always arise.

2. What is the significance of an entire community being involved with the birth and development of a child and why?

From reading the story it is stated that the entire community is not involved in the birth and development of a child. It is just the parents and grandparents of the child that are involved with the birth. The community needs to help and being involved for the days that the mother and child are in isolation. With the help from the community, the child will have a variety of people that will help him or her during their development and help with the discipline of the child. This will generate a large family and help the parents with the development of the child, large family means a lot of love and compassion towards the child.

Academic Journal #2
Stacey Cayetano
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