Premium Essay



Submitted By bipul99
Words 1239
Pages 5
In economics, unemployment refers to the condition and extent of joblessness within an economy, and is measured in terms of the unemployment rate, which is the number of unemployed workers divided by the total civilian labor force. Hence, unemployment is the condition of not having a job, often referred to as being "out of work", or unemployed. The problem of unemployment has had a great impact on Nepalese society and the economy.

The methodology that I have used to collect information has been secondary data research. All the required data, facts and figures have been looks upon on Nepal survey report 2010 and from the internet.


The exact unemployment rate in Nepal has always been debatable. Some agencies report it to be around 20 percent while others report it to be around 40 percent. So, the unemployment rate of Nepal depends on who you ask. What is not debatable is the fact that solutions that have been tried have always been a blanketed approach to reduce unemployment throughout the nation. What our policymakers have to realize is the fact that blanketed approaches don’t usually work.

There are three kinds of unemployment: structural, frictional, and cyclical. Frictional unemployment occurs when people move from one place to another or when they quit one job to find another. Cyclical unemployment occurs when people lose their jobs due to business-cycle fluctuations. It increases when an economy is in a decline. Structural unemployment occurs when the labor force lacks the necessary skills and training to make itself useful in the new way of doing things.

In Nepal, people from low-opportunity areas have always moved to areas where jobs are aplenty. Also, a dearth of jobs means quitting one to find another has not been a luxury available to Nepali workers. So, frictional

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