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Describe the Importance of Quality Leadership and the Difference Between Leadership and Management Within a Health and Social Care Environment, and Explain the Ethical Value Framework Leaders of Services Should Adhere to


Submitted By ralh
Words 3756
Pages 16
FOUNDATION DEGREE IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE MANAGEMENTETHICS, LEADERSHIP AND INTERPROFESSIONAL WORKING IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CAREHS4501-40Describe The Importance Of Quality Leadership And The Difference Between Leadership And Management Within A Health And Social Care Environment, And Explain The Ethical Value Framework Leaders Of Services Should Adhere To STUDENT ID: 213599 06/05/2011 WORD COUNT 3,606 | | Describe The Importance Of Quality Leadership And The Difference Between Leadership And Management Within A Health And Social Care Environment, And Explain The Ethical Value Framework Leaders Of Services Should Adhere To | | This essay will discuss the importance of quality leadership, the diversities between leadership and management within health and social care and explain the ethical frame work leaders of services should adhere to. Every organization strives to be successful regardless of the type of business it conducts; no organization can be fully successful and productive without good quality leadership. Haris and Ogbonna (2000) discovered that although leadership may not completely affect the organisations achievement, the quality of leadership does affect the workers of the organisation who in turn have a substantial affect on the organiation. (cited in Haracre, et al 2011) If workers are contented and without stress in their work they will be more likely to be enthuiastic about their work and deliver an enhanced quality of work in contrast to those who are discontented or stressed in their work. Hogan et al (1990) imply that the principle root of stress in the work environment is the ‘boss’, concluding that quality leadership creates decent working teams with lower stress and a greater quality of client care. (cited in Haracre, et al 2011) In health and

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