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Determinats of Mortgage Rates


Submitted By LEEMBURU
Words 2582
Pages 11
Kenya School of Monetary Studies



PREPARED BY: * MBURU LEONARD GATHUNGU HD336-040-0040-2012 * TAYARI AMOS MATANGA HD336-040-0043-2012 * KIBET JOSHUA HD336-040-0044-2012


This paper provides an analysis of the determinants of mortgage rates in Kenya. The study was restricted to the period 2006-2012 quarterly data. During the analysis, mortgage rates were regressed against the CBR rate, inflation, bond rate and Household income for the period under study. The study utilized the Ordinary Least Squares method of econometric estimation to estimate the model. This method is chosen because of its simple and straightforward ability to show the linear relationship among Mortgage Rates, bond rates, inflation, Household income and CBR rate.
The regression was done on the logs of the data variables because they change by rates other than certain amounts; this made it logical to take logs because the regression was to seek a linear relationship. From the results it can be concluded that bond rates and inflation had a negative influence on Mortgage rates in Kenya for the period under study. CBR rate and Household income depicted a positive influence on the same. This led to the conclusion from the study that CBR rate and Household income had direct influence on the mortgage rate than inflation and bond rates; other variables like loan to value ratio and density of banks should be included in the model like in the Carlo 2010 Euro system regressions. Key words: Mortgage Rates, CBR rate, Bond Rate, Inflation, Household Income

1.0 INTRODUCTION The Kenya mortgage finance history dates back to 1980s and 1990s where there were 20 housing

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