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Developmental Psychological Analysis

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Changes are inevitable. Most of the things are bound to change while few remains as it is. Changes happen as people continue to grow with their life. Similar to what old saying goes: “What you had, shapes who you are” which implies that people are shape to what they become because of those changes they had experienced. The study of developmental psychology holds the similar objective of this cliché phrase. Developmental psychology, as it says, study the various factors and influences that are bound to affect and form people as to who will they become. As I go through various changes in life myself, some experiences I have been through brings out the best of me; however, there are some that still haunts me down. These changes in my development …show more content…
Growing up, I have experienced being bullied verbally. Though I do not classified it as severe type of bullying, it still has created an impact on how I see myself and how I deal with others until today. To illustrate, during my elementary years and high school years, I had been a victim of bad rumors. One example was when my classmates spreaded gossip that I have a poor hygiene even though I know to myself that I take good care of my personal hygiene. I had a bad experience when I caught one guy telling one of his peers to smell me just to prove that he was right—that I smell bad. To my surprise, I saw that his peer responded that he was wrong and that there was nothing wrong with me. With that experience, it resulted to me being self-conscious and have low self-esteem. Based on the article written by Catherine Louis at New York Times, she asserted that the study published in the journal of JAMA Psychiatry states that bullying creates a long lasting effect on the psychological aspect of the victims. The article noted that victims of bullying between childhood and adolescences shows psychological problems in their adulthood including anxiety and panic orders (Louis, 2013). This study strongly tie up to what I am today. Whenever I am having a conversation with peers, and they cut me off then exhange meaningful glances at each other, anxiety emerges …show more content…
Since I was young, I am a very friendly type of person. I am type of invidivual whom someone can ask for help, not worrying if that someone could return the favor or not. I am always goal-oriented. For example, I set plans on what I want to accomplish. However, as I grew up because of some the experience I have been through, I am also a emotionally unstable; I sometimes be very moody and irritable person when provoked. For example, when I know that my kindness is taken for granted, I easily get hurt and turn against that person. Most of my personality, as I noticed, came from my parents. According to Kendra Cherry, a psychology expert, who authored the article “The Big Five Personality Dimensions,” she states that most psychologists suggests that personalities are not just rooted from how environment influenced them, but personalities are mostly rooted people’s genes (Cherry). Interestingly enough, I sometimes use different dimensions depending on the situation I am going through and have been through. Whenever I am with friends and family, I tend to display traits from extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness. It is because of the level of comfort and likeness I have when I am with them. However, when an extreme difficult situation came, like stress, problems, and other unwanted events, I turn to be in the dimension of neuroticism,

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